General Terms and Conditions. Advertising Requirements

This is an old version of the document, which expired on April 29, 2022. The current version is available at:


Yandex provides ad placement services to online advertisers who meet the following requirements.

Ad content requirements

1. Ads on Yandex should satisfy applicable legislation. When Ads submitted by the Customer are geo targeted to the Russian Federation and/or Ukraine, these Ads should satisfy the requirements of the Russian law and/or Ukrainian law. In particular, Yandex does not accept ads that:

1.1. use offensive language or obscene images disrespectful to gender, race, nationality, age, profession, social or financial status, religious or national symbols;

1.2. confuse or mislead users by:

  • containing false testimonies about the product/service;

  • containing false testimonies about the discounts/rebates/sales and/or their terms and rules;

  • using standard graphical elements of the user interface and/or elements of the Yandex design, that do not function and therefore prevent the ad from being viewed in its entirety;

  • being unclear about the source of information contained in the ad.

1.3. encourage unlawful conduct and/or promote cruelty and violence;

1.4. advertise a product or service, for which advertising in this manner, or at this time or place is illegal.

Specific features of ads for individual kinds of products are set out in the “Regulations for placing advertisements on Yandex” (, which are a part of this document.

2. Yandex does not accept ads related to tragic events, if such ads aim to draw attention to the respective news/publications (including to the shocking content).

3. The text of advertising materials must be in language regarding applicable legislation.

3.1. An additional foreign language is allowed in advertisements provided that it is used along with the Russian text which is identical to the foreign language text in both form and content.

3.2. If the information on the website or other resource (web page, virtual business card) to which the ad links is in a language other than the language contained in the ad, the ad should explicitly state this.

4. When Ads submitted by the Customer are geo targeted to the Russian Federation prices of advertised goods or services should be given in Russian rubles, and in any foreign currencies where necessary.

5. Information contained within the advertising materials should correspond to the information provided on the website or other resource (web page, virtual business card) to which the user is directed. For example, if an ad offers a discount, then the link in the ad must take the user directly to the page on the advertiser’s website that clearly outlines information about this discount.

5.1. Advertisements for a news website featuring a news article published on the promoted website or other resource (web page, virtual business card), should link to directly this article. The ad text should correspond in sense to the headline and content of the news article. If the ad text contains ambiguous, provocative or confusing statements, Yandex may require that the news headline fully corresponds to the text of the ad.

5.2. It should be clear from the ad text that it advertises a news website where the full text of the news article is available.

5.3. If a Flash banner ad features a news headline promoting a news website, the link to this website should be on the same slide as this headline. The font size of the headline cannot be larger than the font size of the link.

6. If the advertisement contains superlative adjectives and/or includes testimonies about the advantages of a certain product over other products, the ad link should lead directly to the page on the advertiser’s website where this information is supported by the relevant third-party/independent research.

7. It is important that banner ( ads and text ( ads meet our technical requirements.

8. Advertisers and developers of automated systems for advertisers (Demand-Side Platform, DSP) participating in RTB auctions agree that the user sees the name of the advertiser when interacting with the ad. Advertisers and DSPs agree that they have no right to change, replace ad materials after the first won auction, with the exception of dynamic creatives.

Website or other resource (web page, virtual business card) requirements

9. The website or other resource (web page, virtual business card) of the advertiser to which the ad link leads, should not contain popup or popunder windows.

10. The webpage to which the ad links should open correctly in the browser and be free from script or program errors.

11. Yandex does not accept ads that lead to a website or other resource (web page, virtual business card) whose main purpose is to show advertising, i.e. websites or other resource (web page, virtual business card) displaying ads on more than half of their home page. We also recommend you to read “How does a quality website differ from a faulty website” (

12. Advertisements, the main aim of which is to acquire personal information or money from users, are not permitted.

13. If an ad links to a website or other resource (web page, virtual business card) that cannot be opened or opens with errors, this ad will be suspended until the problem is resolved.

Other requirements

14. Any third party advertisements for a service similar to any of the services listed here: may not be placed on any page containing a link to any of these services.

15. Yandex reserves the right to reject any advertisement without explanation.

Date of publication: 25.04.2022

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