Terms of Use of Yandex.Mail Service
This is an old version of the document, which expired on September 21, 2021. The current version is available at: https://yandex.com/legal/mail_termsofuse.
1. General Provisions
1.1. YANDEX, LLC (the "Yandex") hereby offers an Internet user (the "User") to use Yandex.Mail service available at https://mail.yandex.ru, and Yandex.Mail apps for Android and IOS devices, as well as software products for browsers (the "Service”).
1.2. These Terms are an annex to the User Agreement for Yandex Services regarding the manner of using the Service.
As for remainder not covered by these Terms, relations between Yandex and the User arising out of or in connection with the Service shall be governed by the following documents (the "Governing Documents"):
- User Agreement for Yandex Services published at: https://yandex.com/legal/rules;
- Privacy Policy published at: https://yandex.com/legal/confidential;
- Terms of use of Yandex.Disc Service published at: https://yandex.com/legal/disk_termsofuse.
1.3. To use the Service on the computer, the User shall have the right to use Yandex.Mail computer software, whereas to use the Service on mobile devices, the User shall have the right to use Yandex.Mail software for mobile devices (the "Software”). The use of the Software is governed by the Yandex Desktop Software License Agreement published at: https://yandex.ru/legal/desktop_software_agreement and the License Agreement to use Mobile Yandex.Mail Application published at: https://yandex.ru/legal/mail_mobile_agreement/?lang=en, respectively.
1.4. By starting to use the Service / its certain functions, the User is deemed to have accepted these Terms and provisions of Governing Documents, in full, without any reservations and exceptions. If the User disagrees with any of the provisions of the said documents, the User may not use the Service.
1.5. These Terms and Governing Documents may be changed by Yandex without any special notification, with the new revision of the Terms and Governing Documents to become effective once published in the Internet at the URLs indicated in this clause and in clause 1.4 of the Terms.
The current version of the Terms is available at: https://yandex.com/legal/mail_termsofuse. The User will independently bear the risk associated with the failure to read the new revision of the Terms and Governing Documents. By continuing to use the Service after the Terms or Governing Documents have been changed, the User shall be considered to have accepted the new version.
If Yandex has made any amendments to these Terms according to the procedure specified in this clause, and the User disagrees with these amendments, the User shall stop using the Service.
1.6. By using the Service, the User gives his/her consent to receive informative messages. The User may unsubscribe from these messages by using relevant functions of the Service or following instructions specified in a message received.
2. Access to the Service. Use of the Service. Certain Functions and Capabilities of the Service
2.1. To start using the Service, the User shall register in compliance with the procedure described at section 2 of the User Agreement for Yandex Services (https://yandex.com/legal/rules) which will result in creation for the User of a unique account whose login shall be used in the Service as the address name for the mail box in login@yandex.ru format (the "Mailbox").
For addressing purposes, the Mailbox may be assigned a different domain zone as part of the Mailbox address (including without limitation: com, kz, ua, by, etc.). The User may use a telephone number linked to the User’s account as the login part in the Mailbox address via special settings in the Service.
2.2. The Service offers to the User the functions of the Service to the scope depending on the User’s settings, selected goals and capabilities of the Service, including the function of creating, drafting, editing, sending and receiving e-mails using the Mailbox and performing other actions provided by the Service functions.
2.3. The User shall be entitled to use the Mailbox from the registration of the account and until the deletion of the account or limitation of access to the Mailbox/limitation of the User account function at the discretion of Yandex.
The contents of the Mailbox may be archived if the User has not used it for over 24 months. Within 6 months after the creation of the archive, the User has the opportunity to access the Mailbox and its contents through authorization in the Service and, following the instructions provided by the Service, continue using the Mailbox. If the User does not access the Mailbox after its archiving, the Mailbox may be deleted.
2.4. Users may use standard capabilities of the Service on free of charge basis.
The use of advanced features of the Service by the User (an individual) is possible subject to purchase of Mail Pro (Mail 360) or Mail and Disk Pro subscription under the terms of an Offer for the use of advanced features of Yandex.Mail Service published at: https://yandex.ru/legal/promail_offer.
2.5. The use of certain functions of the Service on free of charge basis with the capability of creating a personal domain name in the Mailbox address, is possible subject to the Terms of use of Mail for Business service published at: https://yandex.com/legal/domain_termsofuse.
The use of advanced features of the Service for business activities of a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur with the capability of creating a personal domain name in the Mailbox address, is carried out upon getting an access to the paid Yandex for Business product subject to the terms of the offer for signing a paid service agreement for Yandex for Business published at: https://yandex.ru/legal/oferta_business.
2.6. Files attached to correspondence sent/received using the Mailbox shall be stored subject to the Terms of Use of Yandex.Disk Service available at: https://yandex.com/legal/disk_termsofuse.
If the User exceeds the limit of memory available at the disk space of Yandex.Disk Service, the functions of the Service may be limited, such as, sending/receiving of correspondence with file attachments exceeding the available storage at the User's Yandex.Disk Service disk space may be suspended.
2.7. The Service may provide the User with the function of voice messaging followed by conversion into text format as well as the function of voicing a received message in the Mailbox by way of converting the text message into an automatic voice record using the functions of Alice voice assistant the terms of use for which are available at: https://yandex.com/legal/alice_termsofuse.
Yandex does not guarantee accuracy, correctness, or faultlessness of the function and recommends to check the converted text additionally prior to sending a message and to compare the original text with its voice copy.
2.8. The User may activate functions of Yandex.Messenger service provided subject to the terms of use of Yandex.Messenger service published at: https://yandex.ru/legal/messenger_termsofuse. The user may define settings of using the messenger and receiving messages in Yandex.Messenger service interface.
2.9. The Service can provide the ability to access the functionality of Yandex.Telemost service, which is designed to organize and participate in a videoconference under the terms of use of Yandex.Telemost published at https://yandex.ru/legal/telemost_termsofuse.
3. Limitations to the use of the Service
3.1. The User may define the procedure and goals of using the Service on his/her own and shall be responsible for such use. The user shall refrain from using the Service for illegal purposes, for receiving/sending/publishing information violating legislative requirements and affecting rights and interests of any third parties.
The User shall be held solely liable, including liability to third parties, for actions performed by him/her when using functions of the Service, and for the compliance of the content of any information received/sent through the Service, with the requirements of laws in force.
3.2. The User acknowledges and agrees that he/she shall independently assess all the risks associated with the use, processing and storage of information published/received/sent through the Service, including the assessment of reliability, completeness, safety, legality or usefulness of such data.
3.3. Yandex reserves the right (but is not obliged to) to restrict the User's access to the Service (or to certain functions of the Service, if this is technically possible) using the User's account or to fully block the User's account, if the User breaches these Terms and/or Governing Documents, or if there is a threat of violating the rights and interests of third parties and/or Yandex.
3.4. Yandex reserves the right to set any rules, limits and restrictions (technical, legal, organizational or otherwise), for the use of the Service and may change them at its own discretion, without prior notification of the User. Where this is permitted by the law, the said rules, limits and restrictions may differ for different Users.
4. Liability
4.1. Yandex shall take any reasonable measures and practicable actions directed at securing the User’s data in the Service and supporting operation of the Service. However, the User is aware that the Service may experience technical faults and failures and agrees that Yandex is technically incapable to predict, to notify the User thereof in advance, or to fully exclude such faults and failures. Regardless of reasons and consequences, such faults or failures may not be grounds for sanctions against Yandex.
4.2. Yandex does not access the Users' correspondence and does not track actual content of the information sent/received by the User through the Service functions. Yandex does not provide confirmations or reports to testify the User's receipt of correspondence or performance of any actions in the Service or those showing the state of the User's Mailbox at any given time. Any actions relating to viewing, changing, deletion, management of the Mailbox content are performed exclusively by the User at his/her own discretion.
The User realizes that actions causing deletion of the Mailbox content may lead to complete loss of information contained in the correspondence without the possibility of recovery.
4.3. Any information received using the Service shall be used by the User at his/her own risk and the user shall be solely liable for any possible consequences of using the information, including the damage that this may cause to the User's device and to data stored in the device; for violation of rights and any other damage caused to the User and to third parties.
Yandex is not held liable for any kinds of losses incurred as a result of the User's use or inability to use the Service or some of its parts/functions, including those incurred as a result of possible errors and malfunctions.
4.4. Yandex has the right to set restrictions on the Service use for all Users, or for certain categories of Users (depending on the User's place of residence, the language in which the service is provided, etc.), including: availability/absence of certain functions of the Service, period of storage of mail messages in the Yandex.Mail service, any other content, maximum number of messages that can be sent or received by a single registered user, maximum size of an email message or disk space, maximum number of requests to the Service during a specified period of time, maximum content storage period, special parameters for downloadable content, etc. Yandex can prohibit automatic access to the Service, as well as stop accepting any information generated automatically (for example, email spam).
In order to protect the User's hardware and its own hardware, Yandex has the right to restrict the reception of any messages and their delivery to the User when such messages contain malware or a malicious code, or when Yandex's automatic filtering and antivirus protection tools have detected the presence of such malware or malicious codes in the specified messages. The User is notified and agrees that Yandex, for the specified purposes, has the right to analyze and research such malware and malicious codes contained in these messages, as well as to transmit the identified messages to partners engaged for analysis — third-party developers of antivirus software to improve the quality of automatic filtering and antivirus protection of Yandex.
4.5. Regardless of the location of the User and the User's equipment, any relationships pertaining to the use of the Service shall be governed by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Any demands or actions arising out of the use of the Service shall be submitted to, and reviewed by, courts at Yandex location.
4.6. All questions, queries and claims related to the use of / inability to use the Service and possible violations of laws and/or third-party rights by the Program shall be sent via the feedback form at: https://yandex.com/support/mail/troubleshooting.html.
Date of publication: 28.09.2020
Previous version of the document: https://yandex.com/legal/mail_termsofuse/09092020.
Previous version of the document: https://yandex.com/legal/mail_termsofuse/24082020.
Previous version of the document: https://yandex.com/legal/mail_termsofuse/23072020.
Previous version of the document: https://yandex.com/legal/mail_termsofuse/12082020.