Terms of Use of Yandex Language Community
1. General Provisions
1.1. YANDEX LLC (hereinafter referred to as Yandex) offers an Internet user (hereinafter referred to as the User) to use Yandex Language Community available at: browser.yandex.com/ylc (hereinafter referred to as the Service).
1.2. These Terms are an annex to the User agreement for the Yandex services regarding the manner of using the Service. In all matters not covered herein, relations between Yandex and the User with regard to the the Service shall be governed by the User Agreement for Yandex Services (https://yandex.com/legal/rules), Yandex Browser Software License Agreement (https://yandex.com/legal/browser_agreement) and Privacy Policy (https://yandex.com/legal/confidential).
1.3. By starting to use the Service/its certain features, the User is deemed to have accepted these Terms and terms of all of the above documents, in full, without any reservations and exceptions. If the User disagrees with any of the provisions of the said documents, the User may not use the Service.
1.4. Yandex may amend these Terms without any special notice; revised Terms shall come into effect once posted online at the URL specified in this paragraph, unless otherwise stipulated in revised Terms. The current Terms are always available at: https://yandex.com/legal/ylc_useragreement
1.5. The User must stop using the Service, if he or she disagrees with any amendments to these Terms made by Yandex in the manner prescribed by cl. 1.4 hereof.
2. Use of the Service. Certain Options of the Service
2.1. The Service enables the User to indicate a version of translation of texts offered by the Service from one language into another or to choose one of the versions provided by the Service. Providing their version of translation, the User assists in improving the quality of Yandex services and consents to make due efforts and apply due language skills when preparing or choosing their version.
2.2. When placing User Information in the Service, the User automatically gratuitously, unconditionally and irrevocably grants to Yandex the non-exclusive right to use their version of translation worldwide and at all times in the Service as Yandex thinks fit, including, but not limited to any legal reproduction, copying, selection, systematization, transformation, change, editing, translation, publication, distribution (fully or partially), and making available to the public. Besides, when placing a translation in the Service, the User confirms that they have relevant rights and powers to grant the said rights to Yandex. The User agrees that the version of translation, they placed in the Service, can be used by Yandex in other Yandex services and software applications and in advertising or marketing materials posted on Yandex resources online to draw attention of other users to the Service or other Yandex resources and services.
2.3. The Service is provided to the User for personal non-commercial use.
2.4. Yandex reserves the right at its sole discretion to limit the User’s access to the Service (or its particular features, if technologically feasible) using his or her account, or completely block the User’s account in case of repeated non-compliance with these Terms, or take other measures against the User to comply with legislative requirements or respect third-party rights and legitimate interests.
Date: 25.07.2017