Protect: filter out the most annoying ad formats
What ads get filtered out?
- Fullscreen static prestitial ad blocks that appear right after the page loads. You can only close them after the countdown has ended.
- Large pop-ups in the center of the screen that cover the page contents. You can close them right away or after the countdown has ended.
- Video ads with sound located above the page contents. The sound turns on automatically after the videoclip loads.
- Sticky ads that take up the full width of the screen at the bottom of the browser window. They can be closed immediately.
- Sticky ads that take up the full width of the screen at the top of the browser window. These can't be closed.
Allow annoying ads
- Click.
- In the Ad blocker section, disable the Block ads that get in the way when viewing pages option.

An ad page opens
Disable all extensions. Close Yandex Browser by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Q. Restart Yandex Browser and check whether the extensions have turned on. If they are, or if the ad appears even with the extensions disabled, check your computer for unwanted software using Yandex Rescue Tool. To remove unwanted software, use the same tool.