General statistics

In the Statistics → General section, you can see ad traffic data and the number of clicks on the company profile in Yandex Maps, Yandex Search, Yandex Services, and Yandex Q.

The report shows what users do:

  • In the web version of Yandex Maps for desktop and mobile devices.
  • In the Yandex Maps mobile app for Android and iOS.
  • In the Yandex Navigator mobile app for Android and iOS.

This information will help you identify the services that your audience is most active in and analyze how to attract traffic.

Report period

Select the period to show data for: one week, one month, or three months. You can specify any period. The period will apply to all report charts.

You can change the grouping to day, week, or month. Grouping by day can only be set for a period of less than 1000 days.

Reports and chart

Summary statistics

The Summary data section shows total events for the selected period and the percentage of changes compared to the previous period of the same duration. For example, if you selected Month (22.01.2023 – 22.02.2023), the percentage of changes will be calculated relative to the previous month (22.12.2022 – 22.01.2023).

  • Traffic to the company profile: Summary for all target events across all Yandex services.
  • Routes built: The number of clicks on the Build route button.
  • Clicks on the Call button: The number of clicks on the Call button.
  • Traffic to site: The number of clicks on the link with the site name in the company profile on Yandex.

To track target actions, a special Yandex Metrica tag is automatically created for the business. Yandex services use it to pass information about user interactions with your business to Yandex Metrica. This data is used to build charts.

Sources of traffic to the company profile

The chart shows where users come from, as well as variation between this and the previous period of the same duration (displayed as total variation and a percentage).

User actions in the company profile

The chart shows user actions in your company profile. You can specify the actions you want to track in Yandex Metrica. For more information, see Yandex Metrica Help.

Export statistics to Excel

You can export data from any chart to an Excel file. To do so, click in the upper-right corner of the chart. All chart data will be exported to the file even if you unchecked some types of events or actions.

The chart data will be exported with the same grouping you set for viewing statistics. For example, if the data in the chart is grouped by month, it will be exported to Excel by month.