
Below you will find information about the key metrics used to evaluate data in the Statistics section.

  1. Search queries by business category
  2. Competitors
  3. Direct traffic
  4. Discovery traffic

Search queries by business category

Yandex Maps and Yandex Navigator search can associate user queries with business categories. For example, the [where to eat] search will be associated with the “Cafe” category. A single search query can be associated with multiple categories.

The system also locates the center of the user's map at the moment of the search query and counts searches for the category within a radius of one kilometer from your business. If there isn't enough data, the radius automatically expands to five kilometers.


A competitor is a company that conducts similar activities and belongs to the same or a similar business category as your company.

Competitors are searched for within a one-kilometer radius. If there isn't enough data, the radius automatically expands to five kilometers.

Direct traffic

Direct traffic is clicks on your company profile as a result of a search by name, locality, address, and other attributes.

For example, the user searched for [orlyonok mayakovskaya cinema], found the “Orlyonok” cinema near “Mayakovskaya” metro station, and clicked on its profile.

Discovery traffic

Discovery traffic is clicks on the company profile as a result of a search for other companies, products, and services. For example:

  • From search results by product, service, or business category.
  • From the Similar places section.
  • From the recommendations.