Manage domains

  1. Change the primary domain
  2. Remove a domain
  3. I can't remove a domain
  4. I can't access a website from its domain address

Change the primary domain

If you link multiple domains to your company, one of them will be your primary domain and the others will be alias domains.

You can create employee mailboxes only on your primary domain. An alias domain is an alternative name for your primary domain. Additional addresses on an alias domain are linked to a mailbox on the primary domain.

If you lose access to your company's primary domain or don't want to use it for some other reason, you can transfer the primary status to another domain. When you change the primary domain, your company mailboxes will be moved to the new primary domain. No data in mailboxes will be lost.

To make a domain primary:

  1. If the domain you want to make primary is not linked to the company:
    1. Link the domain and confirm that you own it.
    2. Check the domain's DNS records and make sure they are updated and set up correctly.
  2. Go to the Domains page.
  3. Next to the name of the domain that you want to make primary, click Actions and select Make primary.

If you transfer your company's domain to another mail service, your Yandex mailboxes will remain active until you delete them. Your employees will be able to log in to their accounts and use Yandex 360 services. Yandex Disk space will remain available until the plan expires. To receive mail via another mail service, change the domain's DNS records.

Remove a domain

Restriction. If your company only has one domain connected, you cannot remove it.

If your company has multiple domains connected, you can remove domains that aren't verified or secondary domains:

  1. Log in to your account as the company admin.
  2. Go to the Domains page.
  3. Choose the domain you want to remove.
  4. Next to the domain name, click Actions and select Delete.

To remove the primary domain, first set another domain as primary.

I can't remove a domain

You can only remove domains that aren't verified or the primary domain. To remove the primary domain, you first have to set another domain as primary.

I can't access a website from its domain address

If you want your domain address to redirect users to a website, you need to set up an A record for your domain.

You can set up an A record on your DNS hosting provider's website. If you delegated your domain to Yandex servers, set up an A record in the DNS editor in Yandex 360 for Business.