Aggregated favorites

Add all of your favorite movies, shows, pictures, and links from various Yandex services and apps to your aggregated favorites.
  1. View aggregated favorites
  2. Add an item to aggregated favorites

View aggregated favorites

You can view your aggregated favorites on the Yandex.Collections main page. All of the items recently added to favorites in Yandex.Video, Yandex.Images, and other services are displayed in the Recently added section. You can select an item category in this section to filter the kind of content you want to view (e.g. TV shows or images only).

You can now visit your aggregated favorites directly from other services or apps:

Service or app How to view aggregated favorites
Yandex.Video Tap in the upper-right corner of any of the service's pages.
Yandex.Images Tap in the upper-right corner of any of the service's pages.

(Android and iOS app)

Tap to the right of the address bar.

Yandex Browser

(Windows or macOS program)

Click in the upper-right corner of the browser.
Yandex.Search Tap in the upper-right corner of any of the service's pages.
Note. You can use aggregated favorites in the following versions of Yandex App and Yandex Browser:
  • Yandex for Android: version 7.70 or later
  • Yandex for iOS: version 4.10 or later
  • Yandex Browser for Windows: version 18.11.1 or later
  • Yandex Browser for macOS: version 18.11.1 or later

Add an item to aggregated favorites

Service or app What to add How to add
Yandex.Video Movie, TV show, or any other video Click under the video player.

If you found several similar movies, hover over the movie's poster in the dark gray section and click in the upper-right corner of the poster.

Yandex.Images Image On the search results page: hover over the image and click in the lower-left corner.

On the image view page: click Add to collection in the right-hand panel.

Yandex.Collections Card To learn how to add cards, see the instructions.

(Android and iOS app)

Link Tap in the built-in browser's address bar.
Yandex Browser

(Windows or macOS program)

Link Click in the address bar.
Image Hover over the image and click in the lower-left corner.
Yandex.Search Link On the search results page, click to the right of the link and select Add to favorites.
Movie or TV show If you found one movie: click Add to collection in the movie's card to the right of the search results list.

If you found several similar movies, hover over the movie's poster in the dark gray section and click in the upper-right corner of the poster.

Organization Click Add to collection or in the organization's card to the right of the search results list.
Map object (e.g. a river or mountain) Click Add to collection or in the object's card to the right of the search results list.
Book Click Add to collection or in the book's card to the right of the search results list.
Note. You can use aggregated favorites in the following versions of Yandex App and Yandex Browser:
  • Yandex for Android: version 7.70 or later
  • Yandex for iOS: version 4.10 or later
  • Yandex Browser for Windows: version 18.11.1 or later
  • Yandex Browser for macOS: version 18.11.1 or later