Password protection

Attackers try to steal passwords to gain access to users' personal data or electronic wallets. The most dangerous scenario is if hackers get the password to your personal bank account. It's important that you follow certain rules to protect your passwords:

  • Don't store passwords openly. Don't write them down in the notes app or on paper. Use secure password storage.

  • Don't use the same password more than once. By cracking the password to one site, an attacker can gain access to others.

  • Keep your passwords encrypted. This way, hackers can't use your passwords even if they steal them.
  1. How to create a strong password
  2. Password storage in browsers
  3. Password managers

How to create a strong password

A strong password contains at least 8 characters, including numbers, letters, and special characters: ! # $ % ^ { } [ ] ( ) " : \ |.

Don't use simple passwords like 123456, qwerty, password.

If you can't come up with a secure password yourself, generate it. A password generator can suggest a highly reliable combination.

Password storage in browsers

All popular browsers have built-in password storage where you can view, change, and delete passwords. All passwords are stored encrypted.

On a mobile device

Yandex Browser on Android and iOS

Google Chrome on Android and iOS

Mozilla Firefox on Android and iOS

Disable password storage in the browser

Password auto-saving is often enabled in browsers by default. You can disable it. Then you'll have to remember all your passwords.

On a mobile device

Password managers

Password managers are programs for storing usernames and passwords that you enter on sites and in apps. Some of them work offline and sync data when you get on the internet.

Passwords stored in a manager are protected by an additional password that you have to remember. This password isn't stored on devices, so it can't be stolen. When logging in to a site, you enter the password to the storage. The manager then decrypts the password to the site and inserts it in the box. This way, you only need to remember one storage password instead of numerous passwords to sites.

Other popular password managers: