How to navigate the data

Top-down: from parent to child objects

Objects selected on the previous tab determine which objects are shown on the next tab.

  1. (for agencies only) On the Clients tab, select the client you want to work with.

    The Campaigns tab shows campaigns belonging to the selected client.

  2. On the Campaigns tab, select the campaign or multiple campaigns you would like to work with.

    The Ad groups tab shows ad groups that belong to the selected campaigns.

  3. On the Ad groups tab, select the ad group or multiple ad groups you would like to work with.

    The Ads tab shows the ads in the selected ad groups. The Keywords tab shows the keywords for the selected ad groups. The Retargeting and interests tab shows the retargeting lists and mobile app interests.

If the supplementary panel is open, you can select ads by retargeting lists and select retargeting lists by ads:

  • On the Ads tab, select an ad or multiple ads in the main panel.

    • The supplementary panel's Keywords tab now contains only keywords used for serving the selected ads (i.e., keywords from the same ad groups as the selected ads).
    • The supplementary panel's Retargeting and interests tab now displays only those retargeting lists and mobile app interests that can be used to serve the selected ads.
  • On the main panel, go to the Keywords tab and select one or more keywords. The Ads tab in the supplementary panel now contains only those ads that can be served for the selected keywords (i.e., ads from the same ad groups as the selected keywords).

  • On the Retargeting and interests tab in the main panel, select one or more retargeting lists or mobile app interests. Now the Ads tab in the supplementary panel shows only those ads that can be served under the selected criteria.

To reset selection of ads by retargeting lists and of retargeting lists by ads, go back to the Ad groups tab.

Bottom-up: from child objects to parent objects

You can use the navigation section in Inspector to navigate:

  • From ads, keywords, retargeting lists, and mobile app interests to their host campaigns or ad groups.

  • From ad groups to their host campaigns.

For example, you selected multiple campaigns on the Campaigns tab, and then several ad groups on the Ad groups tab. Now you can see ads from different campaigns on the Ads tab. You want to determine which campaign a particular ad belongs to:

  1. Select an ad or multiple ads.

  2. In the navigation section, choose Select their campaigns.

The Campaigns tab opens where the campaigns hosting the chosen ads are selected.

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