To view changes to your ad campaign settings, find it in the list, click and select Changelog.
You can see the changes for all campaigns on the page Changelog for client. To go to it, click Tools History of changes Learn more in the left menu.
Your history saves information about any actions that affect your impressions, such as when you:
Start and stop campaigns
Make changes to campaign parameters (such as the display schedule and region, strategy, bid adjustments, or ad network settings)
- Changes in the average CPV.
Start and stop impressions for individual ads
Archive or unarchive ads or campaigns
The changelog does not include entries for when campaigns start or stop automatically because your daily budget limit was reached or because there is not enough money on your account.
Along with the changes made in the interface, the changelog saves the changes made using XLS/XLSX files, Yandex Commander, the Yandex Direct mobile app, or the API.
The changes history has been available since April 9, 2018.