Price in ads
You can add the price for the advertised product or service in “Unified performance” and “Text & Image ads” campaigns. Specifying the price and mentioning bonuses and special offers in the ad text helps you attract more of your target audience. In addition, it's mandatory to indicate the price when serving Text & Image ads in the product gallery.
The setting can be used when the site has a small assortment of products or services and stable prices. This might also be helpful if your campaign is targeted at impressions for general queries and you would like to add the price to attract attention, such as to set the minimum service price in an ad (“from 899 rubles”).
If you have a lot of offers that cannot be updated manually, use a feed to create dynamic ads.
The price is displayed in the Yandex Advertising Network and the product gallery in Yandex Search.
Benefits of price in ads
According to our research, information about prices, promos and discounts increases ad CTR by 1.5-3%, depending on the display device.
How to add price
Price can be added when creating or editing ads. To do this, fill in the relevant field under Price. To emphasize savings on the offer, indicate the old price. If necessary, use the prefixes “starting at” or “under”. If you're specifying a price to serve the ad in the product gallery, don't add a prefix.

All prices and currencies must match the information on the landing page (this is checked during moderation).
Group campaign management
Image ads. On the Campaigns page, select the desired campaigns and go to their ads. Select several ads or the entire list. Click Actions and select Prices in ad from the menu.
In the Prices in ads window, fill out the Price field. If necessary, use a prefix. To highlight the comparative benefits of your offer, enter the old price. Click Save.
The new price will only be added to Text & Image ads. If other types of ads were selected, the price is not added to them. You can check the changes on the Ads page in the Price in ad column.