
Keywords are single words or phrases that determine who your ad will be served to.

In Yandex search results, ads are served for queries that:

  • Include the whole keyword (word-to-word matching).
  • Semantically refine the keyword: include typos, synonyms, more specific words, or convey the same meaning in other words (semantic matching).

How it works

Keywords work differently in search results and in ad networks.

The keyword determines which search queries in Yandex search and on search sites in the Yandex Advertising Network will trigger ads from the group.

For example, if you set the keyword tours to mars, we will show your ads for the search queries tours to mars, discount tours to mars, tours to mars deals, reserve tours to mars, and so on, but we won't show them for tours to the moon or is there life on mars.

Use the “Search query” report to see which queries or matching types triggered your ad. Analyze the statistics and add the high-CTR queries to the keywords. Exclude irrelevant queries by adding them to negative keywords.

How to add keywords

You can use the side menu to add keywords: click Add → Keywords, select a campaign and ad group and click Add keywords. Use Keyword Generator or go to the Manual input tab to enter queries manually. Learn more about the keyword planner.

Additions or changes to keywords are implemented within 3 hours. To add keywords for a separate ad, create a new group for the ad.

Requirements and restrictions

Keywords may only contain Latin, Turkish, Kazakh, Russian, Ukrainian, or Belarusian letters, quotation marks, the “-”, “+”, and “!” symbols, spaces, and other Yandex Direct operators. Decimal points are allowed in decimal numbers. Letter case and word order are not important.

The maximum keyword length is 4096 characters (including negative keywords, spaces, and Yandex Direct operators). The number of keywords per group cannot exceed 200. Each keyword can contain a maximum of 7 words.

Overlapping and duplicate keywords

If keywords overlap (a keyword contains one of the other keywords), negative keywords are added automatically. This prevents keywords from competing with each other when selecting an ad to show.

Any recurring words in a keyword are reduced to one instance. For example, the keyword Baden-Baden will be reduced to just Baden. Ads will display for both the search terms Baden-Baden and Baden.

Stop words

Auxiliary parts of speech, pronouns, and any words that do not add their own meaning (stop words) are automatically excluded from the user's search query when selecting ads to display. For example, if a user searches for how and when to travel to mars, ads will be served that have the keyword travel mars. How, and, when, and to are stop words in this case.

Remember that stop words count in all languages. For example, if you set IT services as a keyword, ads will be served when a user enters the non-target queries stylist services or legal services, since it is a pronoun. To include a stop word in a query, you need to affix it using the + “operator”. If you register stop words with an operator, they will be added to the total word count in the keyword.

Have questions?

Attention. Our customer service department can only help you with the campaigns created under the same username you use to contact us. You can see your current login in the upper-right corner of the screen. Our team can access your data only when processing your request.

You can contact us from 10:00 to 19:00 (UTC+3) by phone:

Moscow: +7(495)780-65-20

Toll-free within Russia: 8(800)234-24-80, ext. 9


To access campaigns, a customer service specialist will need your PIN.