Step 1. Create an account
Create a username
We recommend creating a separate username for Yandex Direct. Don't use your personal username (for example, an account you use for Yandex Mail or Yandex Disk), because you won't be able to move your ads from your personal username to a different one later.
Set up an account in Yandex Direct
- Select your country and currency
Select your country. For some countries, you still need to choose your payment currency for Yandex Direct. All calculations and payments will be in this currency.
There are different payment options available in different countries.
- Add email and phone number
Enter an email address and phone number you currently use. Click Confirm number.
This way you can get promptly updated on changes in your ad campaigns and get tips on improving your settings.
Read the terms and conditions of the Privacy Policy, Ads for Mobile Apps Data Processing Agreement, and “Yandex Direct” service offer , and accept them.
Click Start using the service.