Requirements for smart banners

  1. Placement requirements
  2. Document requirements

Placement requirements

List of prohibited categories

Creatives in the following categories are not accepted for placement in the smart banner format:

  • Tobacco accessories.
  • Alcohol-containing products.
  • Charitable organizations and social advertising.
  • Betting and games of chance.
  • Debt collection from individuals.
  • Products and services with distressing subjects.
  • Certification services.
  • Financial services.

This list is not exhaustive and can be changed by Yandex at any time.

Document requirements

Smart banners are moderated based on website contents.

Depending on the type of product or service on the website, certain documents must be provided to post ads.

Required documents

For products and services that are subject to mandatory certification, registration, or licensing, be sure to submit copies of authorization documents (licenses, certificates), even if the products and services were not added to the feed.

A list of documents and other advertising information are specified in the section dedicated to the category of your products or services.

When to submit documents

You can send documents at any time after your ads have been sent for moderation. If ads are rejected because required documents are missing, they will be reviewed again after documents are submitted. If your ads pass moderation, they will be eligible for serving. If additional information is required, we will contact you.

How do I submit documents?

Send copies of prepared documents via the feedback form below (include your ad campaign or order number).

Smart banner requirements.