Impression statistics

You can view reports about your ad campaign after it has become active. In the left menu, select StatisticsReport Wizard.

For example, to analyze product statistics, choose the cross sections “Product/category name”, “Title”, “Text”, “Link”, “Product category”, “Product manufacturer”. They help analyze the performance of specific products through the lens of familiar metrics, such as impressions, clicks, conversions, and revenue. This information will be useful for campaign optimization. For example, you can find out which items bring you the most conversions or revenue and check this data against the cost revenue ratio.

The category and manufacturer in the report are taken from the feed or the site's microdata (if you set up site-based report generation in your campaign).

If you use the same cross sections in the Search queries report, you can see which queries triggered impressions for which product ad and find ideas for improving your feed.

If multiple filters are used in an ad group, products from one filter can be added to products from another filter when generating smart banners. In the impression statistics for one filter, you can see clicks for products from other filters. The CPC or CPA will be debited based on the filter that includes the product clicked.

Track the effectiveness of your smart banner campaign using standard reports. The report will be generated in the [ad | filter] cross section.

Have questions?

Attention. Our customer service can help you with the campaigns created under the same login that you use to contact us. You can see your current login in the upper-right corner of the screen. Our team can access your data only when processing your request.