Yandex messages

Yandex sends users reminders, alerts and different kinds of service messages. Some of them are described below. If you receive an email or SMS but do not understand why, look for an answer below.

  1. SMS
  2. Emails


Messages from Yandex have “Yandex” specified as the sender.

  1. Your confirmation code...
  2. Somebody has started deleting your telephone number from Yandex

Your confirmation code...

Yandex sends you a numeric code when you enter your phone number during registration or in any Yandex app, as well as when you delete, edit, or add a number on the Phone numbers page. To confirm any operation, go to that page and enter the code in the field provided.

You may receive a code unexpectedly if:

  • Somebody has hacked into your account and is trying to delete your telephone number. Cancel all suspicious operations on the Phone numbers page and change your password.

  • The SMS only arrives after a significant delay (you receive the code after you forgot you requested it).

  • Another Yandex user enters your telephone number by mistake instead of his/her own. In that case, ignore the message.

Somebody has started deleting your telephone number from Yandex

When a phone number is unlinked from Yandex ID, Yandex sends an SMS to that number. If you receive this message, it means somebody has tried to unlink your telephone number from the Yandex account associated with your email address.

If it wasn't you, go to the Phone numbers page to see if someone has started to delete your number. If deletion has begun, click Cancel deletion.

If the page does not say that your number is being deleted, there is nothing to worry about. It might be that the previous owner of the number is trying to unlink it from their Yandex ID.


Yandex sends emails from

  1. Somebody has initiated the process of deleting your telephone number...
  2. You successfully generated a password for the ... app
  3. Someone logged in to your Yandex account

Somebody has initiated the process of deleting your telephone number...

When a phone number is unlinked from Yandex ID, notifications are sent to all email addresses linked to the account in question. If you receive this message, it means somebody has tried to unlink your phone number from the account associated with your email address.

If it wasn't you, go to the Phone numbers page to see if someone has started to delete your number. Click Cancel deletion if it's active. If the page does not say that your number is being deleted, there is nothing to worry about.

You successfully generated a password for the ... app

Yandex sends this notification when a new app password is created for your Yandex ID (this can only be done on the app password management page).

If you didn't create a password for the app mentioned in the email, then it may mean that a hacker who got access to your account created it. To reset all app passwords, change your password. If you can't change your password or logging in with a one-time password is enabled for your account, restore access to your account. After this, all your app passwords will be disabled.

Someone logged in to your Yandex account

You receive this email every time we detect an unusual attempt to log into your account.

If you get this email, it doesn't necessarily mean that someone has hacked your account. You can view all successful login attempts under the Security tab, Access to your data → Manage permissions. If you see something like a login from a browser that you don't use or on a day you weren't online, click the line for that login and hit That's not me. Then follow our instructions on what to do if you think you've been hacked.