Information about an object

Object card

An object card contains detailed information about a place or an organization.

Object cards vary by type. They may contain:

  • Object name, address, and category.
  • List of organizations located in the building.
  • Business hours.
  • The Directions button to plot a route.
  • The Show parking info button to find nearby parking.
  • User reviews and rating of the object. If a review is written in a language that doesn't match the interface, Yandex Maps can translate it. To see the original text, tap the line with the name of the language below the review.

    You can add your own rating and review.

  • Photos. If the object has photos or videos attached to it, the object card contains a thumbnail image of one of the files. To view photos or videos:
    • Open the gallery and tap a photo or video.
    • Swipe left or right to open the next file.
    • To view a file in full screen, tap its thumbnail. On Android devices, you can "like" photos and videos.
  • If the object is located in a city that has a metro system, the object card includes a list of the closest stations and how far away they are.
  • Buttons:

    • Directions — To plot a route to the object.
    • — To call the organization.
    • — To share a link to the object.
    • — To save the object to saved places; to remove it, tap in the object card.
    • — To go to the organization's website.

In the object card, you can edit information or add an organization.

Open the object card

On the map
  1. Tap and hold the point you need.
  2. Select What's here?
  3. Pull the card up to see the details.
In search results
  1. Enter the object name or address in the search bar.
  2. Select an object in the search results.
  3. Pull the card up.

Share the object card

  • Tap and select the service or messenger you want to use to share a link to the object card.
  • Tap and hold the object name to copy it or share a link to the object card.
  • Tap and hold the object address to:
    • Copy the address or coordinates.
    • Share a link to the object card.