Report on non-delivery to another (non-Yandex) address

If you have sent a message from your Yandex mailbox but it has been rejected by the recipient's mail server, you will get an automatic report from “Mailer-Daemon” with reasons for non-delivery and the name of the server which rejected passing the message to its destination.

The reason for why the email was not received will be indicated in the automatic report. How to find and interpret the error:

  1. Find the phrase Diagnostic Code. You will see the error code to the right of it.
  2. Find this code in the table below.
    Tip. For a quicker search, use Ctrl+F for Windows and Cmd+F for macOS.
Error code Reason and solution

Bad destination mailbox address

Bad destination system address

Bad destination mailbox address syntax

DNS: no such domain

Invalid arguments - possible version mismatch

Invalid mailbox

Invalid recipient

Host or domain name not found

Mailbox unavailable

No such user here

The email account that you tried to reach does not exist

Unrouteable address

User not found

User unknown

The email was sent to a non-existing address.

Make sure the recipient's address does not include extra punctuation marks, spaces, or quotation marks. Confirm the recipient's email address and resend the message.

Message rejected as spam by Content Filtering

Message rejected under suspicion of SPAM

Message rejected. See for more information

Sorry, message looks like SPAM to me

550 5.7.1 SPF check failed: IP_host is not authorized to send in the name of domain_name. (in reply to RCPT TO command)

The recipient's email server considers these messages spam.

Try contacting the recipient or their mail service administration by another method and report the problem.

If you are sending legitimate messages to your website users or subscribers, please read Yandex requirements for honest mailing lists.

Note. If you use Yandex 360 for Business, the SPF record must be set up on the linked domain.

Аccount is full

Error writing message: Disk quota exceeded

Inbox full

Over quota

Quota exceeded

Recipient's mailbox is full

User has exhausted allowed storage space

The recipient's mailbox is full. This usually happens because the recipient rarely uses their mailbox and their mailbox is full.

Try contacting the recipient by another method and report the problem.

Policy rejection on the target address

Recipient rejected

This account has been disabled or discontinued

User account disabled for being inactive

Your emails has been returned because the intented recipient's email account has been suspended.

The recipient's address is blocked by their email service.

Try contacting the recipient by another method and report the problem.

Message file too big

Message size exceeds fixed limit

Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size

The recipient's email server can't handle large messages. The recipient's email service can't accept your email due to restrictions regarding your attached files.

Upload your attachment to a file storage service (such as Yandex Disk) and include a link to it in your message.

Client host [IP_host] blocked using; blocked, See:

Client host [IP_host] blocked using; IP IP_host is UCEPROTECT-Level 1 listed. See

Email blocked by SPAMCANNIBAL — to unblock see...

Email from IP_host is currently blocked by Verizon Online's anti-spam system

Recipient address rejected: Blocked by external RBL

Your host [IP_host] is blacklisted by Currently Sending Spam See:

Your server IP address is in the database

The Yandex mail server was blacklisted. You can try deleting the Yandex mail server address from the blacklist manually by clicking on the link in the report. You can also contact us by forwarding the full text of the error report using the form below.

Also, try contacting the recipient or his/her mail service administration by another method and report the problem.

Loop detected! Message rejected

Mail for email loops back to myself

Our servers have detected a mail loop

A loop was detected in sent messages. Check forwarding filters and importers for all of your mailboxes. They may be configured incorrectly. If you are sure the problem is not on your end, contact the recipient by an alternative means of communication to report the problem.

Relay not permitted

Sorry, relaying denied from your location

Forwarding prohibited (the recipient's mail server can't identify Yandex Mail servers because the MX records are set up incorrectly).

Try contacting the recipient or their mail service administration by another method and report the problem.

Note. If you use Yandex 360 for Business and send an email to your domain's mailbox, keep in mind that it may take up to 48 hours for the MX record to propagate. If 48 hours already passed, make sure that the settings match the recommendations given in the article on setting up the MX records.

Sender verification failed

Error verifying the sender. To solve the problem, contact the administration of the recipient's mail service and ask them to enter Yandex Mail email addresses into the whitelist of the sender verification service.

Note. If you use Yandex 360 for Business, the SPF record must be set up on the linked domain.