Location and organization classification

Locations and organizations on the map are divided into map item categories/subcategories as well as business categories.

A description of the items in each business category is given below.


Yandex Business sections are used when managing items.

Unlike the list below, actual Yandex Business sections are not numbered (numbers are only used here for navigation purposes).

If an organization's line of business fits multiple categories, select the one that matches their main business activity. For example, if a clothing store also sells some shoes, select the “Clothing store” category.

Multiple categories are indicated only for organizations located in the same premises and whose main activity fits the description for each category. For example, a clothing store and a shoe store located in the same premises under a single brand.

You must indicate the organization's category.

Map item categories:

Object subcategories:

1. Culture and attractions

2. Medicine and pharmaceutics

3. Education and science

4. Finance

5. Trading

6. State and society

7. Religion

8. Food

9. Auto

10. Sport

11. Yard and park infrastructure

12. Business and services

13. Construction and realty

14. Production and materials

15. Leisure and tourism