3.1.3. Map item naming rules.
All items on Yandex Map Editor have a “Name” attribute, even though some of them (such as forests) may not have names.
Any map item names that contain vulgar language; incite violence; promote hostility; or disparage a person or group based on their gender, race, nationality, language, origin, religious beliefs, or membership in a particular social group are forbidden. This includes obscenities where part of the letters are replaced by stars or other symbols, yet the intended meaning is read and understood by native speakers.
When you enter the name of an item, you must refer to the techniques for naming items as well as the following guidelines:
Rules for naming various types of items are described in Section 3. Global mapping rules. Name types: general rules
There are several types of map item names: Official
Enter Official names for each of the languages you're adding the item name in (other than in the exceptional case described under
You should enter the full official item name.
Do not map descriptive names, technical names, or names indicating an item's location relative to other local items even if they are confirmed by official sources, except in cases where daughter items are directly linked to them.
These item types include: forestry district numbers, territories “near a locality”, fields, bridges, tunnels, and squares with names like “Bridge at...” , and others.
- Forecourt Park in Pokhvistnevo (this is a descriptive name because it indicates the location of the park).
1 Minskoe Highway, 35 km + 500 meters (despite the fact that the address indicates the item's location relative to other local items, it is confirmed by the register and mentioned on the organization's website).
“Minskoe Highway, 35 km + 500 meters” is marked on the map as a level 7 division (Block).
- The official name generally includes the type of item.
- Don't set an official name if the item doesn't have a proper name or the name's unknown.
- Abbreviations are not used in official names, with the exception of:
- If an item has more than one name (for example, it might have a historical or local name in addition to the official one), then enter the second name under the “also known as, historical” type using the same language). For caption on map
The For caption on map name type is used if the item's caption on the map should differ from the official name.
If the “For caption on map” field is not filled in, then the item's official name will be used as the caption.
If the item doesn't have a name, but does has an ID (i.e. a building name), then the caption name will consist of the item type and ID (please note that the ID is NOT the address). The item type is capitalized.
For example: School #2.
If the item has a number (ID) and a name, then the caption name will consist of the item type, its number (ID), and its name. There are exceptions for items (Places) of certain types and subtypes. For more details, see section Name formatting.
For example: Kindergarten no. 967 Fairytale, V. A. Legasov School no. 56, Gardening Co-op No. 5 of the Vichug Manufactory.
For some items, the item type is an integral part of the name itself (i.e. you could not express what item you were referring to without naming the type). In this case, the item type is included in the caption name along with the proper name.
For example:
Pushkin Museum, Tretyakov Gallery, Spasskaya Tower, Sigaevskaya village school, British Museum, Victoria and Albert Museum.
If the proper name of an item (without the type) suffices to convey what item is being referred to, then only the name is used in the caption.
For example: Pyaterochka, Sportmaster (item type: “Store”, see Section Name).
The caption name doesn't include the organization's legal structure.
For example: Wave (not Wave, LLC).-
You should not clutter the map with unnecessarily long organization names.
Enter the complete names of these types of institutions for the official names and use shorter versions for the captions. Don't use words in the caption that aren't necessary for identifying an item (for example: state, municipal, city). Alternately, use common abbreviations instead (DOD, DOS, SSA) in the caption.
For example:
official: Proletarskaya Srednyaya obshheobrazovatelnaya shkola.
for the signature: Proletarskaya school.
If the abbreviated version of the institution's name is not used colloquially, then you can enter whatever name people actually use to refer to that item for the caption. For example, for Washington University in Saint Louis — Wash U.
See Also see (“Location” item names).
In the name for the caption, abbreviate item types consisting of multiple words (provided that doesn't violate the agreement of the word forms in the name):
- Official: City Park of Culture and Recreation.
- Caption: City park. The address contains
Set the names of the Address contains type for administrative divisions, the names of which, when used in the address, differ from the official name (see also, and for rapid transport stations (see p.
For example, if a locality has the “City” status (see Section City), the Address contains field should only include the locality's proper name without the type:
- Official name — City of Moscow
- The address contains — Moscow.
For rapid transit stations, specify The address contains name in the format “type + proper name”. For example:
- Official name — Tyoply Stan
- The address contains — Metro Tyoply Stan.
Don't enter a name in this field for other types of map items. Abbreviated
The Abbreviated name field is not currently in use. Previously called
The Previously called field is only used in cases where the official name of an item recently changed.
For example: the city of Dnipro was called Dnepropetrovsk until recently, and the sub-district of Savchenko was previously Molodogvardeyets.
The following time limits apply to this category:
For cities, districts, and villages ~ 5 years.
For small localities ~ 3 years.
For streets and squares ~ 2 years.
For metro stations and railways ~ 2 years.
For vegetation, hydrography, and terrain ~ 2 years. Also known as, historical
Use the Also known as, historical name field in the following situations
For famous alternate names or local names.
For example: Chuvashia for the Chuvash Republic, Yekb, Yekat for Yekaterinburg, Piter, SPb for Saint Petersburg, Kompros for Komsomolsky Ave., etc.
For historical names that are no longer used (other than those that were recently changed).
For example: Alma Ata for Almaty, Leningrad for Saint Petersburg, Vyatka for Kirov, etc.
If new administrative divisions are formed in place of older ones, you can set the older names as synonyms for the newer ones as long as the old names are still in use locally.
Note.Time periods that must pass before a name is considered "no longer in use":
- For regions and districts ~ 15 years
For streets and squares ~ 30 years.
For railway stations and public transport stops ~ 5 years.
For hydrographic items, vegetation, and relief ~ 100 years.
For localities and metro stations, there is no minimum number of years that must pass before a name is considered "no longer in use".
For entering registered organization names. For more information, see Section
If the “Also known as, historical” name is identical to the official name of another object within the same level-1 administrative unit (country),“delete” the Also known as, historical name.
Don't enter the "Also known as, historical" name for streets if it's the same as the official name of another Roads category item in the same locality. Rules for entering all types of names Language
Names and attributes of map items within a given country must be written in at least one of that country's official languages (or in Russian or English).
You also have the option to enter names in any language available on Yandex Map Editor.
If an item name consists exclusively of numbers, it's only set in the local language.
If a house number without letters is specified in the address point in more than one language, you may keep the extra names, but it's preferable to specify it in only one language.
For example, the village of Vysokaya gora can also be named Biektau in Tatarstan.
For territories that different states recognize differently, set the locally used name (in the local language) for toponyms. Don't enter names for such items in other languages without specifying the name used locally.
Note.If an organization name doesn't contain a toponym, you can set its name in any language.
In countries where the national language uses both the Latin and the Cyrillic alphabets, the preferred option is to write names twice (using each alphabet).
Note. If an item name contains only Cyrillic letters and numbers, you can enter it for one language (such as Russian) and not repeat it for another (such as Ukrainian).
- In countries where the national language uses an alphabet other than Latin or Cyrillic, you can enter the name twice using both the national alphabet and Latin (or just enter it using Latin letters).
Naming organizations (companies, institutions, establishments).
If an organization officially uses an adapted brand name (translation into the national language of the country of presence), it should be indicated as its official name.
For example, for the Russian Federation: Касторама, Вестерн Юнион.
You can also enter the official name of the organization in its “native” language or using Latin script.
For example:- Official, Russian: Ресторан быстрого питания Макдоналдс, ИКЕА
- For caption, Russian: Макдоналдс, ИКЕА
- Official, English (advanced): McDonald's, IKEA
If the organization officially uses the brand name in its native language in the region of presence, it should be specified as the official local name.
For example, for the Russian Federation: Nike, Dunkin’ Donuts.
If necessary, the official name may also include the type of organization written in the national language of the country being mapped (for example, for the Russian Federation: “Store”).
You can also enter the official name of the organization in its “native” language or using Latin script.
In addition, a transliterated name may be entered as the “Also known as” name in the national language of the country being mapped.
For example:- Official, Russian: Nike, Qiwi
- For caption, Russian: Nike, Qiwi
- Official, English (additional): Nike, Qiwi
- Also known as, Russian (additional): Найк, Киви
For clarity, here are examples for setting names according to the rules in Kuwait:
Example 1 —
- Arabic, official: ماددونالدد
- English, official: McDonald's
- Russian, official: Макдоналдс
Example 2 —
- Arabic, official: اللنسياغا
- English, official: Balenciaga
- Russian, official: Balenciaga
If the traditional name of a foreign administrative division (such as a city) is used in the language (especially in the media) much more frequently than the name in the official dictionary of names, then you should enter the more common variant under the “official, for caption, and address contains” fields. In this case, enter the name from the dictionary in the “also known as” field.
Note.You can use tools like https://wordstat.yandex.ru in Russia to view search statistics on name usage.
For example:
- Official, English: City of Aleppo
- For caption on map, English:
- Address contains, English:
- Also known as, English: City of Halab
- Rules for name transcription and translation
If the country you're mapping has a definitive official document regulating translation and transcription of its place names into other languages, then it takes precedence over the Rules. That being said, it is best to add translations of names done according to the general rules to the Also known as, historical field.
The names of items located on disputed territories are translated into the languages of neutral countries based on the position of the country into whose language the name is translated.
Note. In rare cases, the translated or transcribed name may be set as the item's official name, even if that contradicts this rule. Rules for entering names
Proper names of items are never enclosed in quotation marks unless otherwise specified in the rules for drawing that item type in Yandex Map Editor.
- When spelling numerals or using uppercase (capital) and lowercase letters and special characters (for example, “№”, “No.”, or “#”), follow the rules of the language.
Abbreviations in names are always capitalized.
You can't use parentheses in map item names unless otherwise specified in the rules for adding attributes to a layer.
If an organization uses capital letters in the middle of its name, you can write it this way on the map provided that the name doesn't have two or more capital letters in a row. For example: ElektroSetServis, StroiMashServis, Krasnoe&Beloe.
- If the name of an item includes initials, then you shouldn't put a space between them.
You are not required to use diacritics and other special characters in item names, although it is preferable.
You can use simplified diacritics and other special characters (entered without using keyboard shortcuts for special characters).
Note.Using diacritics and other special characters is the best solution and they should not be replaced with simplified alternatives.
For example, in the Uzbek language, the letters o and g are used in combination with the “ ʻ ” mark (Oʻ oʻ Gʻ gʻ), while other letters are used with “ ʼ ”:
Using these characters is considered the correct option, but you can also use an apostrophe instead (“ ' ”).
- Enter the proper name of the transport infrastructure for transport items (in both official and caption fields). Do not enter the name of the organization that manages that transport item in these fields.
For items whose names contain decimal fractions, separate the fraction from the integer in the official name with a dot. In a synonym, you can set the name using a comma.
In item names that refer to the route's start and end points and contain a hyphen, the hyphen is separated by spaces on both sides.
For example: the Ponga - Onega ice crossing.