3.6. Locations
This section contains information about map items that belong to the “Places” category in the Yandex Map Editor. This includes organizations, institutions, and some other types of items (for more information, see 3.6.2. Rules for additing attributes to places (organizations)).
Information about items from this category is stored both in Yandex Maps and Yandex Business. To learn more about it, see Help.
This is how adding attributes to items works: all information about an organization's location, name, and category is specified directly on Yandex Map Editor, while information about the organization's status, working hours, and so on is stored in its Yandex Business card. Information about an item can be edited if needed.
For more information, see Section 3.6.2. Rules for additing attributes to places (organizations).
For more information about drawing items, see the following sections: