3.8. Road infrastructure
This section contains information about map items that belong to the “Road infrastructure” category on YME.
This category contains items of several types:
Road infrastructure: squares, bridges (including pedestrian ones), underground and overhead pedestrian crosswalks, and tunnels. Map these as polygonal items.
Drawing techniques for polygonal items can be found in Section Drawing simple polygonal items.
Rules for drawing road structures and adding attributes — Section 3.8.1. Road structures. Rules for drawing and adding attributes..
Parking. Depending on the type of item, it will be mapped using either a placemark, line, or polygon.
Rules for drawing and adding attributes — Section 3.8.2. Parking. Rules for drawing and adding attributes..
Security cameras. These are mapped as items connected to intersections.
Rules for drawing and adding attributes — Section 3.8.3. Speed cameras.
Traffic lights. These are mapped as items connected to intersections.
Rules for drawing and adding attributes — Section 3.8.4. Traffic lights.
Speed bumps. These are mapped as items connected to intersections.
For the rules for drawing and adding attributes, see Section 3.8.5. Speed bumps
Railway crossings. These are mapped as items connected to intersections.
Rules for drawing and adding attributes — Section 3.8.6. Railway crossings.