2.2.3. Change the map scale
- Using the
- Using the mouse wheel: roll it towards you to decrease the scale (“zoom out”); roll it away from you to increase the scale (“zoom in”).
- Using the mouse. Using the mouse button: double-click on the map to increase the scale (“zoom in”); right-click to decrease it (“zoom out”).
- Using the right mouse button:
- Use the right mouse button to click a point on the map.
- Drag the mouse in the desired direction without letting go of the button.
The cursor will then highlight an area on the map.
- Let go of the button.
The highlighted area will be centered, and the map scale zoomed in. Map scale
Map scale: the ratio between the size of an image and the size of the actual item it represents. For example, “Scale 1:100 000” means that the image of an item on a map is 100,000 times smaller than the actual item.
Scale is a constant value on printed maps, but it may change on electronic ones.
On Yandex Map Editor, scale is indicated in relative units between 1 and 22. You can see the current scale value in the map's URL (“М” value in the “z=M” section):
- https://n.maps.yandex.ru/#!/?z=2&ll=56.612180%2C59.847933&l=nk%23sat
- https://n.maps.yandex.ru/#!/?z=12&ll=29.078553%2C53.626574&l=nk%23sat
- https://n.maps.yandex.ru/#!/?z=21&ll=29.054907%2C53.651009&l=nk%23sat
Here are the approximate scale equivalences between Yandex Maps and “printed maps”:
- 9 ~ 1:1 000 000
- 12 ~ 1:100 000
- 14 ~ 1:25 000
- 16 ~ 1:10 000
- 17 ~ 1:5 000
The full range of Yandex Maps scales is only available in areas where satellite images of sufficient quality are available.