4.5. Mapping rules: Serbia
This section contains mapping rules which apply to Serbia specifically.
- 4.5.1.
All names containing letters (including addresses) should be listed both in the Serbian Cyrillic alphabet and the Latin script whenever possible.
- 4.5.2
In some cases, road and road building types should be included in roads' names (be it in Cyrillic or Latin script), such as:
— If the road type is part of and comes before the proper name (use uppercase)
— If the road type is part of and comes after the proper name (use lowercase)
Example: Првомајска улица, Prvomajska ulica, Трг Владимира Манића, Trg Vladimira Manića.
- 4.5.3
See the picture for Serbia's administrative division borders (the administrative division's subdivision level is shown in square brackets).
Note.Administrative unit types start with lowercase letters in both Cyrillic and Latin script.
Local communities (месна заjедница) include:
- Those located within cities — level 7 (blocks). Specify the city (locality) as the parent.
- Those including multiple settlements (насеље) within their boundaries — level 6 (named territory). Specify the municipality (општина) as the parent.
- Those overlapping with localities (насеље). Do not mark them as a separate item. Add their names as synonyms of the locality instead.
- 4.5.4
“Grads” and “urban naseljes” (localities similar to urban townships) are considered different administrative units. There are officially 24 grads in Serbia.
- 4.5.5
“Градско насеље” (gradsko naselje) is Serbian for urban naselje (not “urban township”).
“Заселак” (zasilek) is translated as village.
- 4.5.6
“Ulica” and “Put” are the same type of road. Both are translated as street.
- 4.5.7
“Plateu”-type items are small areas drawn as part of the road infrastructure.
- 4.5.8
The address registered in the cadaster is considered a building's official address. If the address in the cadaster and the postal address differ, the cadaster address becomes the official name while the postal address becomes an extra name with the “Also known as” attribute.
If the house number says “ББ” (“без броја” ─ no number), its address should not be mapped.
- 4.5.9
When naming items in Serbia and Macedonia, don't use the “№” symbol.
- 4.5.10
Start with capital letters when naming faculties in the University of Belgrade, as each one is considered a separate legal entity.
- 4.5.11
Possessive adjectives in road names should be placed before the item type.
For example, Мажуранићева улица, Ружина улица (Mažuranićeva St., Ruzhina St.).
- 4.5.12
- When translating street names into Russian, the word order should remain as it is in Serbian.
- 4.5.13
A dot is placed after arabic ordinals, but not Roman ones.
For example, Улица 51. (Street 51) Дивизије.
- 4.5.14
- Types of naturally occurring map items are always written with a lowercase letter and placed:
- At the end of the item name, if the place name is an adjective (answers the question “what kind” or “what type”) or a possessive adjective (describes “who” or “what” it belongs to).
For example, Косовска планина (Kosovska planina) or Вуков врх (Vukov Vrh).
- At the beginning of the item name, if the place name is a noun or a group of words.
For example, врх Црна Стена (Black Wall Vrh), планина Чука (Chuka Mountain).
- 4.5.15
- Local communities (mesne zajednice) that appear in the official source can be mapped as items of the Block (level 7) type.