Quick search

Find the quick search panel under the search bar on the Yandex Maps home page.

You can also see the panel at the bottom center of the screen when you create a route or click an item on the map:

In either of the panels, click the button you need (such as “Food” or “Cinemas”) to see all matching businesses on the map. An organization's placemark will differ depending on the item type. For example: .

If you already set a route, items located along the route are shown. If you didn't set a route, the map will display items near the point you clicked.

All found items are listed in the slide-out panel in the left part of the screen.

The filter buttons are located above the list. Click a button to see only those items that match the specified search criteria. For example, if you click Wi-Fi, the list will only show items with Wi-Fi.

To see all available filters, click the button with three dots:

Click the description of an item in the list or its placemark on the map to open the place card.

If the place type you're looking for isn't in the quick search panel, use the search bar to find the place.