Generating reports on a schedule
- In the Yandex Metrica interface.
- In email.
In addition, the report can be created in the background if it takes Yandex Metrica a long time to download it.
A report can be requested by the tag owner or a user with tag editing rights. If a user has view-only rights to tag settings and statistics, they can only view the requested report. For more information, see Tag access.
A report can be requested if the report page shows the icon . You can request a standard report, or a custom one that is edited or saved by a user.
- Receive a report on a schedule
- Getting a report that takes a long time to download
- Viewing the report in the Yandex Metrica interface or in email
- Extend or resume automatically generating a report
- Cancel a scheduled report
Receive a report on a schedule
On the report page:
- Click
In the window that opens, fill in the fields:
- Report name.
- Recipient's email. You can specify multiple addresses separated by commas.
Set the schedule for generating the report:
- daily — The report will be prepared daily for two months at the beginning of the day.
- once a week— The report will be prepared on Mondays for six months.
- once a month— The report will be prepared on the first day of each month for 12 months.
When you select one of the options, the end data for when you will stop receiving the report is shown under the option. You can extend this period.
- Click Save schedule. The report will be ready after a while.
Getting a report that takes a long time to download
In this case, the report page shows a message offering to prepare it in the background. Click Request report and fill in the fields in the new window. The report will be ready after a while.
Viewing the report in the Yandex Metrica interface or in email
When a report has been ordered but it hasn't been viewed yet, the icon appears in the menu . On the Scheduled reports page, you can find:
- Prepared reports — generated reports. To view a report on this tab, click the report row.
- Active schedules — a list of reports that are generated on a regular schedule. You can edit the email address, name, and schedule for reports on this tab.
- Archived schedules — a list of regular reports that are no longer generated and reports that you canceled. You can restart a report schedule on this tab.
The report message contains a separate graph and table in XLSX files, as well as the date when the report was compiled. You can extend this period.
If you want to change the report settings (for instance, add a metric or a dimension), go to the report from Standard reports in Yandex Metrica and use the icon to make a new order.
Extend or resume automatically generating a report
You can resume getting a report if the schedule for automatically generating it has ended. To do this, go to the Archived schedules tab.
page, theClick next to the desired report. The report is shown on the Current reports tab.
- Extend
You can do this in the email that you receive before the report schedule ends (the email notifies you how many more times the report will be created automatically).
Click Extend. A page will open where you can choose the schedule for generating the report.
- Resume
You can resume automatic report generation in the email about the last scheduled report.
Click Continue generating the report automatically. A page will open where you can choose the schedule for generating the report.
Cancel a scheduled report
- Go to.
- On the Active schedules tab, in the line of the desired report, click
After this, the requested report will no longer be sent to your email. It will be moved to the Archived schedules tab in Yandex Metrica.
In some cases, Yandex Metrica may disable report generation. For example:
The tag was not found — the tag was deleted. The tag owner can restore it.
Tag owner not found — the login of the user who created the schedule for this report was deleted.
Rights to the tag were revoked for the user — to restore tag rights, contact the tag owner or a user who has editing rights for the tag.
Error occurred when processing report parameters — create the report and the schedule again.
You'll receive an email notification if any of these errors occur.