Find new and popular music

The Selections section contains new and popular tracks. To listen to all new releases on Yandex.Music, go to the New releases tab or Playlists with new music.

To listen to tracks that are popular right now, go to the Yandex.Music Chart tab. Tracks that Yandex.Music users listen to most frequently are added there automatically. The chart updates constantly. If you want to influence the position of a track in the chart, listen to it more frequently.
Note. Listening to a track directly in the Yandex.Music Chart will not influence the track's ranking.

To listen to new releases that match your tastes, go to the Recommendations section and select the Premiere playlist. New tracks that are similar to ones you like get added to this playlist automatically. This playlist is compiled based on the genres and artists you've listened to over the past week.

It is personalized for each user and gets updated once a week. For more information, see Features and types of smart playlists.

If you enjoyed listening to the current version of the Chart or the Premiere playlist, you can download it to My music as a favorite playlist.