Why post content on Yandex Music?

Users search for and listen to music on Yandex.Music. To post music on the service, the rights holders must sign licensing agreements with Yandex.

What do I get out of posting content on Yandex Music?

  • Your music and artists will be presented to a wide range of Yandex users; every week millions of people listen to music on our service. You can introduce them to interesting music, talented artists, and new albums.

    For each artist on Yandex.Music, curated and clearly structured pages are created with their content. This serves as an additional representation on the internet (like a business card) for copyright holders.

    Tracks from the Yandex.Music catalog display not only on the service, but also in Yandex search results (for example: search results for [Sinatra]).

    Note. Yandex does not guarantee that a track, album, or artist will appear in search results or in first place in search results.
  • For artists: you can place a button on the service pages that allows users to make donations.
  • Access to listening statistics. You will know how popular your tracks are.