Edit information

You can report inaccuracies on the map. Your edit will appear in Yandex Navigator after it passes moderation. You can check your edit status in the Reviews and edits section.

  1. Edit the information about a place
  2. Edit information about an organization
  3. Report a route error

Edit the information about a place

To edit information about a place if it is not an organization:
  1. Tap and hold the map point.
  2. Tap What's here and choose Edit building info or Edit information.
  3. Choose what exactly you want to edit, for example, Change address or Add business.

  4. Enter the information about the inaccuracy and tap Submit.

Edit information about an organization

  1. Tap Edit info or Edit information.
  2. Select one of the following:

    • Incorrect information to change the organization's name, its location on the map, or other details.
    • Closed or doesn't exist to indicate that the organization is closed temporarily or permanently, never existed, or has moved.
    • Edit location and entrances.
    • Accessibility to specify whether the building is accessible to people with disabilities.
    • Other to add a comment or a photo.
  3. Enter the information about the inaccuracy and tap Submit.

Report a route error

  1. Plot a route.
  2. On the route building screen, tap and select Report problem.
  3. Select one of the following:

    • Route inaccessible to indicate a section that cannot be accessed by car or public transport.
    • Add item to map to indicate a place that's missing.
    • Better route available to draw a more convenient and faster route.
    • Other to add a comment about the route.
  4. Enter the information about the inaccuracy and tap Submit.