Hints on the route

Visual hints

As you move along the route, Yandex Navigator shows:

  • Distance to destination, travel time, and estimated time of arrival.
  • Traffic jams along the route.
  • Upcoming maneuver and distance to it.
  • Current speed and the speed limit for the route section.
  • Lanes: The lanes that are appropriate for your route are shown in white, and the rest are shown in gray.
  • Busy railway crossings.
  • Ferry crossings and checkpoints if there is a ferry crossing or a mandatory checkpoint on the route.
  • Speed bumps.
Camera on the route

When you move along a route, the cursor on the screen moves left or right to show as much of the route as possible, provided the North is always up option is turned off.

View the entire route

To view the entire route or alternative routes, tap the map and . To return to the current route section, tap or Continue route.

Quick settings

Tap to go to the quick settings menu:

Faster route

Yandex Navigator may suggest a faster route while you're driving:

  • To open the route window, tap View.
  • To hide the route window, tap No, thanks.
Turn hints

Turn hints are enabled on a route by default. When you approach a difficult junction or intersection, the app shows which lane to use and when to change lanes so that you don't miss a turn. Alice repeats the instructions so that you can follow the route and observe road markings without looking at the screen.

“In 60 meters, keep to the second right lane, then turn left”.

To disable them, turn off voice notifications.

Rate a route

When you complete a route, Yandex Navigator may ask you to rate it.

To rate a route:

  1. Select the number of stars.
  2. Add evaluation criteria and a comment if you want.
  3. Tap Send.

If you don't want to rate the route, tap End.