How to construct an offer for the category “Вытяжки”
How to link an offer to a product profile
In order for the system to associate your offer on Yandex.Market with the product profile, you must specify:
Model or line.
Type and width for installation, if the range of models has several sizes.
Color, if the range of models has color options.
Controls, if the range of models covers different types of controls.
All these parameters are required and they must be specified in the offer title.
Order for listing extractor fan parameters: manufacturer, line, type, installed width, color, output, controls.
- Example:
Manufacturer: FALMEC.
Product line: Excellence.
Type: Parete (wall-mounted).
Installation width: 90.
Color: IX.
Output: 600.
The offer title might look like this:
FALMEC Excellence Parete 90 IX (600) FALMEC Excellence Parete 90 IX 600 FALMEC Excellence Parete 90 нерж 600
If you need to display information about a discount on a product, use the parameter oldprice
. In oldprice
enter the old price of a product, which must be higher than the new price (price
Common errors
Output was omitted.
- Example
FALMEC Marea Parete IX
The Falmec company has models in the Maera line with the same width and color but different output capacity. In order for the system to associate the offer with the correct product profile, you must specify the output capacity:
FALMEC Marea Parete height 60 800 90 IX FALMEC Marea Parete height 60 600 90 IX
Installed width was omitted.
- Example
Rondo Dalia Angolo 600 WH
The Rondo Dalia product line has three models with widths of 90, 100, and 120 cm. You must specify the width and type of installation in order to differentiate between the models:
Rondo Dalia Angolo 600 100 WH Rondo Dalia Parete 600 90 WH Rondo Dalia Parete 600 120 WH
Type was omitted.
- Example
FALMEC Square Stripes 67 (800)
The manufacturer FALMEC produces extractor fan in models that differ only in the way they are mounted: Parete — wall-mounted, Isola — island. You must specify these parameters so the system can associate the model with the appropriate profile:
FALMEC Square Parete Stripes 67 (800) FALMEC Square Isola Stripes 67 (800)
Color was omitted.
- Example
The GEFEST ВК-1-2 model comes in either white or brown. If the color is not specified, the system won't associate the exhaust fan with the product profile. For the brown exhaust fan, the offer title might look like this:
GEFEST ВК-1-2 К17 GEFEST ВК-1-2 кор. GEFEST ВК-1-2 коричневая GEFEST ВК-1-2 br
Controls were omitted.
- Example
ELIKOR Вента 50 белый 430
Exhaust fans can have the following types of controls: buttons, sliders, sensory, or dials.
The ELIKOR Venta line has models with output of 430 cubic meters per hour that have either button or slider controls. In this case, you must specify the type of controls in the offer title.
For models with button controls, the following names are correct:
ELIKOR Вента 50 белый (430) пк ELIKOR Вента 50 белый 430 кноп.
For models with slider controls, the following names are correct:
ELIKOR Вента 50 белый (430) пп ELIKOR Вента 50 белый 430 полз.