Questions about products

Check questions about your brand products and answer them. By doing this, you can help users choose the right product and use it correctly, as well as increase brand credibility. Your comments will be marked with “Official company representative”.

  1. How to check questions
  2. How to reply to a question

How to check questions

You can find questions about your brand products in your dashboard on the Вопросы page. The questions are sorted by the date they were created: from new to old. There is a Вопрос на Маркете link next to each question. Using the link, you can go to questions about the product on Yandex.Market.

There are two ways to go to questions about a specific product:

  • Select a product and click its name in the product list.
  • Enter a product name in the Поиск по названию товара field.
You can select questions:
  • For a required period.
  • With or without a reply.

You can sort selected questions by the date they were created: from new to old and vice versa.

How to reply to a question

Click Ответить under the question, write a comment, and submit it. The reply will appear on Yandex.Market instantly and will be marked with “Official company representative”.

You can edit or delete the submitted comment unless it has a reply.