Forecast details


Wind direction

The arrow indicates wind direction:

  • — North wind (blows from north to south).
  • — South wind (blows from south to north).
  • — West wind (blows from west to east).
  • — East wind (blows from east to west).

Wind speed

Measured in meters per second (m/s) using an anemometer.

Yandex Weather displays the wind speed at the height of 10 meters above the ground.

Wind speed is affected by:
  • Difference between the atmospheric pressure and temperature in different layers of the atmosphere.
  • Uneven heating of the underlying surface.
  • Terrain features (mountain, forest, or city).
Wind speed, m/s Wind force







more than 10


For more detailed information about wind speed ranges, see the Beaufort scale. This is an international scale for measuring wind speed on land and at sea.

Note. The web version of Yandex Weather displays the average wind speed, while the mobile version shows both the average wind speed and the maximum gust speed (in the detailed forecast).

Weather phenomena

To find out what the weather is going to be like, use the following icon descriptions. The sun icon represents daytime, and the moon icon represents nighttime. Icons without a sun or moon mean any time of day.

Icon Description




Partly cloudy



Light rain


Light rain




Thunderstorm with rain







Light snow

Light snow


Light snow




Shows the amount of water vapor in the air. Humidity is measured 2 m above ground.

High humidity increases the likelihood of dew or fog.

Humidity is affected by processes that depend on terrain features:
  • Moisture transfer by air flows.
  • Water evaporation.

The forecast shows the relative humidity of the air, which is the amount of water vapor in the air as compared to the maximum amount of water that the air can possibly hold at the current temperature.

Humidity is displayed in the weather card on the Yandex Weather homepage and in the detailed forecast.


Pressure is affected by atmospheric circulation.

When a cyclone is coming, the atmospheric pressure decreases, and when an anticyclone is coming, the pressure increases.

To determine the type of atmospheric circulation, open the Wind tab in the weather maps and check the direction of the air flows above your city:
  • Counterclockwise means a cyclone.
  • Clockwise means an anticyclone.
Note. In the Southern Hemisphere, a cyclone rotates clockwise and an anticyclone rotates counterclockwise.

Most people are accustomed to a pressure of 760 millimeters of mercury. But the normal atmospheric pressure for each person depends on the region they live in, while the pressure of the region depends on the terrain altitude. For example, in Vienna the average altitude is 151 m and the standard pressure for it is 744 mmHg. Therefore, the pressure of 760 mmHg for the residents of Vienna is not normal, but elevated.

Most people are accustomed to a pressure of 760 millimeters of mercury. But the normal atmospheric pressure for each person depends on the region they live in, while the pressure of the region depends on the terrain altitude. For example, in Vienna the average altitude is 151 m and the standard pressure for it is 744 mmHg. Therefore, the pressure of 760 mmHg for the residents of Vienna is not normal, but elevated.

Difference with the norm for the region, mmHg Pressure value
More than 20 below the norm for the region Low
10–20 lower than the norm for the region Reduced
Within 10 above the norm for the region Standard
10–20 higher than the norm for the region Increased
More than 20 above the norm for the region High

Magnetic field

The magnetic field is affected by the solar activity. When solar flares occur, a stream of particles reaches the Earth and impacts its magnetic field.

Researchers measure the state of the magnetic field with the Kp index. It shows the average deviation of the entire Earth's magnetic field from the norm calculated for three-hour intervals. The Kp index values range from 1 (quiet activity) to 10 (extreme magnetic storm).

In the service, the values of the Kp index correspond to the following verbal definitions:

Kp index State of magnetic field in the service

Less than 4





Slightly disturbed




Magnetic storm

8 or higher

Strong magnetic storm

You can view the state of the magnetic field in the detailed forecast. Yandex Weather shows the state of the magnetic field for today and the next three days. No forecast is made for subsequent days, as its accuracy is too low.

Magnetic field disturbances may cause a communication blackout and power system failures. Some people may be affected by the force of a magnetic storm.

Feels like

The same temperature values can be perceived differently, depending on humidity, wind force, and other factors. For example, a temperature of –5 °C feels colder when there's also a strong wind, and a temperature of +25 °C feels hotter when there's also high humidity and bright sunshine. Because of that, the forecast shows the indicator Feels like. It shows how comfortable the weather conditions are.

When calculating the "feels like" temperature, the following is taken into account:

  • Air temperature.
  • Humidity
  • Wind speed
  • Solar radiation.
Note. The “feels like” temperature is calculated as an average for most people. Everyone perceives temperature differently, so you might disagree with the Feels like indicator.

Daylight hours

The period from sunrise to sunset .

Yandex Weather calculates daylight hours taking into account atmospheric refraction, a phenomenon related to the bending and scattering of sunlight. When light passes from the more dense layers of the atmosphere to the less dense ones (and vice versa), its speed changes and the sun rays deviate from being a straight line. Atmospheric refraction is especially noticeable when the sun is near the horizon: when it is already below the horizon, you can still see the sun's disk.

Daylight duration increases due to atmospheric refraction.

You can see the sunrise, sunset, and daylight time:

In the desktop version

On the service homepage and in the detailed forecast. The daylight duration is also shown there.

In the mobile version

On the main page of the “Gardening” section.

In the Yandex Weather app

In the hourly forecast and in the detailed day forecast at the bottom of the page. The daylight duration is shown in the detailed forecast.

Water temperature

Shows water surface temperature.

Water temperature is only displayed for cities located near large bodies of water. If the nearest weather stations don't measure water temperature, Yandex Weather provides its own estimate.

You can see the water temperature on the homepage of the service in the hourly forecast card and in the detailed forecast.

Air temperature

Shows the temperature at 2 meters above the ground.

Calculations take into account the data received from weather stations which have special conditions for measuring air temperature:
  • Located at a height of 2 m from the ground.
  • Open to the wind.
  • Not affected by direct sunlight.

Home thermometers aren't always installed the same way, so their readings may differ from the temperature in Yandex Weather.

UV index

Describes the level of solar radiation at the surface of the Earth and whether it's dangerous to humans.

The index value depends on the following parameters:
  • Seasonal activity of the sun.
  • The sun's position relative to the latitude, horizon, and sea level.
  • The condition of the ozone layer above the area.
  • Aerosol concentration in the air.
  • Terrain reflectivity.
  • Type of clouds.
Note. Most often, in cloudy and rainy weather, the UV index is low, while in a fog, the solar radiation is repeatedly reflected and dispersed, and the UV index increases. This effect is often visible in the mountains.
How to protect yourself from solar radiation
UV index value WHO recommendations

0–2: low

There is minimal risk of sunburn, even if your skin is sensitive.
3–7: moderate Try to stay in the shade from 12:00 to 16:00.

Use sunscreen with SPF 15–30.

Wear a hat and a long-sleeve shirt.

More than 8: very high

Avoid being outside from 12:00 to 16:00.

Use 50 SPF sunscreen.

Wear protective clothing and sunglasses.

Where to find the UV index

The current UV index is shown on the service's home page.

You can find the UV index for the next 4 days in the detailed forecast.

Moon phase

Shows how much the moon is illuminated by the sun.

On the service's home page, in the forecast for today, you can see textual information about the moon phase.

In the detailed 10-day forecast, the phase of the moon is displayed as an image. The yellow portion of the disk shows the visible part of the Moon, while the dark gray one reflects its invisible part.

Icon Moon phase Approximate time when the moon is visible in the sky

New moon

Not visible

Waxing gibbous


First quarter


Waxing gibbous


Full moon


Waning crescent


Last quarter


Waning crescent


How Yandex Weather determines moon phases

The service uses the method described by Jean Meeus in his book “Astronomical Algorithms” which is based on the calculation of the Sun's illumination factor of the Moon's disk. This factor depends on the selenocentric distance of the Earth from the Sun (phase angle).

When calculating the phase angle, the distances from the Earth to the Sun and from the Earth to the Moon are taken into account, as are the longitude and latitude of the lunar subsolar point.

Depending on the day of the sidereal month (the period during which the Moon makes a complete revolution around the Earth), the distance from the Earth to the Moon and from the Earth to the Sun varies. The distance from the Earth to the Sun is considered to be equal to one astronomical unit (1 AU), which is 149,971,520 km, while the distance from the Earth to the Moon and the longitude and latitude of the lunar subsolar point are calculated for certain dates and times.

The illumination factor can take values from 0 to 1:

  • 0 — New moon.
  • 0.5 — First or last quarter.
  • 1 — Full moon.

You can determine whether the Moon is growing or waning by calculating the factor for two days. If it increases for the following day, the Moon is waxing; otherwise, the Moon is waning.