Special snippets for organisation sites
What organisations are shown in special snippets in the search results?
If the organisation has official site, detailed information about its services can be shown in the search results.
This is currently possible for the following organizations:
These are the most popular categories in Yandex.Business, according to analysis of user searches. This list will expand in the future.
What information can be shown in such snippet? Where can I fill them in?
For each type of organisations there are parameters the users are interested in. For example, a snippet for a restaurant's official site can look like this:

Data about organizations is displayed in snippets and in Yandex services. For more information, see the Information about the organization section.
The snippet information for my organization is incorrect. How can I fix it?
We remind you that a special snippet is for informational purposes. Yandex isn't responsible for the accuracy of information shown in the snippet. Release of guarantees terms described in the “User agreement” posted on the Internet at https://yandex.ru/support/legal/rules, fully apply to the information displayed in special snippets.
If the snippet information, including contact data, contradicts your website, edit it in Yandex.Business or in Yandex.Maps. For more information, see .
Information about hotels' stars on the Russian territory is taken from the list of hotels certified by Rosturizm. To change this parameter for a Russian hotel, you need a certificate. Alternatively, this information can be removed from the snippet. You can correct the information on the organization's page in Yandex.Business. For more information, see .
Are the words in special snippets indexed?
The words in special snippets aren't indexed. It is an additional string shown along with the site regardless of the query.