Yandex can generate snippets for sites containing markup for computer programs, apps, and games. In the search results, snippets can include the product's description, category, price, size, number of downloads, and so on.
Snippet without semantic markup:

Snippet with semantic markup (shows the description, price and operating system):

To form this snippet, mark up the page with software product description using the standard. Each site page should include a description of one software product.
Yandex does not guarantee that the information it receives will show up in the search results. Yandex reserves the right to use or not use information marked using the standard (either in its entirety or in part) for any of the company's services. This information can be used separately or collectively with information obtained from other sources.
Please remember that Yandex isn't responsible for the accuracy of information shown in the snippet. The conditions releasing Yandex from the guarantees listed in the User agreement also fully apply to the information shown in snippets.