Banner Video


Banner Video is a video banner for a placement which requires a prepared video file or a link to Wrapper XML.

This cross-platform video format is shown on desktops, tablets, and mobile phones.

Playback is performed through an HTML5 video player. The format is fully compatible with the VAST and VPAID video ad specifications. It supports standard tracking events that are requested when they occur in the player.

There are two ways to add a banner to the site with the Banner Video [context] template:

  • Prepare a video file.
  • Prepare a VAST-compatible link to Wrapper XML.

You can use the following banner features in Adfox:

  • Built-in playback control elements.
  • You can add a background image, which is shown behind the video (if the video is smaller than the banner) and after the banner is closed.
  • The banner background image is always scaled so that it occupies the entire available banner space. If the size does not match, the edges of the background image are cropped.
  • You can configure the display of the Close button: Show immediately, show with delay, or hide the button.
  • When you click on the Close button, the banner will be hidden, and its place will be taken by a background image of the same size, which will remain clickable. If no background image is set, the banner will be removed from the page.
  • The entire banner area is clickable regardless of how the video is located inside the banner. The link will always open in a new window or tab.


International media industry standards recommend showing the Close button without a delay (Time until the Close" button appears = 0).

Sample banner


Requirements for images and control buttons

  • The background image is prepared if necessary.
  • Acceptable image formats: PNG, GIF, and JPG.
  • The maximum size of a single file is 300 KB.

Requirements for the video



Recommended format


Frame rate

no more than 60 frames per second

Number of video tracks


Audio codecs

AAC, MP3, Vorbis

Number of audio tracks

no more than 1

Minimum resolution

1280 × 720 pixels


up to 2 minutes

The maximum size of the video clip

to be uploaded to the Adfox interface

100 MB

Event count

The banner counts the events:

  • The start of viewing (start).
  • The video is selected (creativeView).
  • The video is loaded (impression).
  • The first quarter of viewing (firstQuartile).
  • The middle of viewing (midpoint).
  • The third quarter of viewing (thirdQuartile).
  • Full view (complete).
  • Turn the sound off (mute).
  • Turn the sound on (unmute).
  • Pause (pause).
  • Replay (rewind).
  • Resume after a pause (resume).
  • Click on the Close button (close).
  • Error when playing or initializing the banner (error).

Add a banner to Adfox

To add a banner to Adfox, select the banner type you need and the Banner Video [context] template.

Set the banner parameters:

  • Tracking pixel link: By default, the Adfox // pixel is used. If you want to count impressions in a third-party system, delete the Adfox pixel and specify another link.

  • Click URL: Enter the link to the advertiser's site. For the click to work correctly, make sure that the link includes the protocol (http:// or https://).

  • Banner width (% or px): Specify the width of the banner in pixels or as a percentage.

  • Banner height (px): Specify the height of the banner in pixels.

  • Background image (URL): An image for the banner background which becomes visible when the video is already loaded for display. If the video size is smaller than the size of the banner, the background image will take up the free space. The background image is also shown after the video is closed.

  • Time before “Close” button appears (sec.): The time in seconds until the banner close button appears. The time is counted from the start of the video playback. Only the playback time is counted. When -1" is chosen, the button won't be shown even if the Close button parameter is specified.

  • Video ad format: Specify the ad format:

    • %global.linearAdVAST2%: If the banner is placed using a video file.
    • %global.WrapperAdVAST2%: If the banner is placed using a link to VAST XML.
  • Video (URL): If the banner is placed using a video file, upload the file or specify a link to the video. When filling in this parameter, don't specify a link to VAST XML.

    Video files that you upload directly to the Adfox interface are automatically converted to different formats and sizes and saved to the Yandex video hosting. After the video is uploaded, the banner has the status <paused> until the conversion is complete. After conversion, the video status changes to <converted> and the banner status changes to the one that was before you uploaded the video: <active> or <paused>.

    If you specify a link to a video posted on an external resource, the video won't be downloaded and converted. In that case, the video will be displayed in the banner directly from the specified external resource in the form in which it's available via the specified link.

    Make sure to enter the %global.linearAdVAST2% ad type in the Video ad format parameter.

  • Link to VAST XML: A link to VAST 2.0 XML container with video data. If you specify this parameter, you don't need to specify a video file.

    Make sure to specify the %global.WrapperAdVAST2% ad type in the Video ad format parameter.

  • Video position inside the banner: The position of the video inside the banner:

    • bottom: The video unit is attached to the bottom edge of the banner. The video will take up the entire available width of the banner.
    • center: The unit with the video will be positioned in the center. Recommended value. In this type of position, you don't need to specify the width and height of the video.
    • left: The video unit is attached to the left edge of the banner. The video will take up the entire available height of the banner.
    • right: The video unit is attached to the right edge of the banner. The video will take up the entire available height of the banner.
    • top: The video unit is attached to the top edge of the banner. The video will take up the entire available width of the banner.
  • Video duration (HH:MM:SS): The duration of the video in HH:MM:SS format (hours:minutes:seconds).

  • VIdeo MIME type (for example, video/mp4): MIME type of the video file, for example, video/mp4.

  • Video width: The width of the video in pixels without specifying its dimensions. This value is required if the banner is placed using a video file or the location of the video inside the banner is not centered (bottom, left, right, or top).

  • Video weight: The height of the video in pixels without specifying its dimensions. This value is required if the banner is placed using a video file or the location of the video inside the banner is not centered (bottom, left, right, or top).

  • Name for the class attribute of the banner container: If necessary, enter a name (or multiple names separated by a space) for the class attribute of the banner container.

  • Video replay (yes/no): Specify whether or not video replay is enabled:

    • yes: Replay is enabled.
    • no: Replay is disabled (by default).
  • Under Advertising label settings:

    • In the Ad label list, select Ad or Social ad, and the label will be added to the banner. If the creative's design already includes the label, you can keep Disabled" in the drop-down list.


      Adding the “Social ad” label doesn't automatically define the creative content as social ad. To label creative content as a social advertisement in the state register, select Social ads contract for the corresponding contract with the end advertiser.

    • In the Domain field, specify the advertiser domain, and it will be added to the label: “Ad |” or “Social ad |” (only if you select Ad or Social ad in the drop-down list).

  • To add a token to a non-clickable banner, enable the Show banner menu option in the banner settings. When the banner is served, the menu icon  will be displayed in the upper right corner of it. When a user clicks this icon, the advertiser information and the copy token button appear (if ad register is enabled for the banner and a third-party token is specified).

    The banner menu contains a link to the rules for using recommendation technologies. That is necessary to comply with paragraph 3, section 1, article 10.2-2 of Federal Law No. 149-FZ On information, information technologies, and information protection", dated July 27, 2006.


    If a banner is non-clickable (the Transition URL field is not filled in) and it is to be added to the ad register, be sure to show the banner menu. This is the only way to make the token available when serving the banner.

  • Settings for Russian ad register: The section is only available if the Submit data to state register procedure is selected in the campaign settings. Fill in the fields in this section to register the creative in the Yandex advertising data operator. The creative is assigned a token automatically.

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