API assistant

An API assistant is a user that only has access to the Adfox API methods with no access to the Adfox interface.

In the Adfox API, only the account administrator can access most of the methods. In certain cases, several people working on different tasks in parallel might need access to the API. By adding API assistants, you can issue personal access rights for your employees without disclosing the administrator's password.

To enable the API assistant management module, contact support.

Creating an account

  1. In the main menu, go to the Users → API assistants tab and click + Add.

  2. The account creation page opens. Fill out the required fields.

    • Account

      Come up with a login. You can only use Latin letters, digits, dashes, underscores, and periods. The login must should contain between 1 and 32 characters.

      The login must be unique within the Adfox system. If you enter a login that's already taken, a warning appears.

    • E-mail

      Specify an email address for registration. This address will receive an invitation to the Adfox interface. You register via Yandex ID.

    You can fill out the Contact information section after the account creation.

  3. Specify the access rights for API methods. For a list of available methods, see the API documentation:

    • Read only (RO): The assistant can only read the data: get lists (the list, utility, info, listActiveBanners, and listValues actions) and get reports (the report action). They can't add, edit, or delete objects or manage users.

    • Read and write (RW): The assistant can add, edit, and delete objects (settings for the account, sites, campaigns, and banners). They can't manage users (advertiser, assistant, and webmaster).

    • Read, write, and manage users (RW + manage users): The assistant can access any methods, including the user management methods.

    The API assistant with the user management permission can't manage other API assistants.

  4. Click Add.

When the module is disabled, the API assistants tab is hidden from the interface. The users and objects created by them aren't deleted, but their access to the Adfox API is suspended.

Learn more

Contact support

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