Units for mobile Turbo pages and AMP

You can use Yandex Advertising Network units to monetize mobile Turbo pages and AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages).

Ads on mobile Turbo pages

Automatic ad setup

You can customize ads on Turbo pages in the Yandex Webmaster interface: the system will automatically create and place Yandex Advertising Network units on your pages.

Ads are repeated at a pace that makes it easy to digest content: one ad unit per screen. You can add new units or change the position of existing ones at any time. If you want Turbo page ads placed in specific locations, their location can be changed manually.

To learn more about enabling automatic setup, see the Turbo pages documentation.

Manual ad setup

To manually create and place a Yandex Advertising Network unit on mobile Turbo pages, in the Yandex Advertising Network interface create a unit that you need:

  1. In the Banner unit settings, select Turbo in the Turbo / AMP field.

  2. Get the embed code: in the unit settings, click Get code.

  3. Copy the unit ID from the code.

  4. Place the unit on the page. You can enable automatic placement of ads or place them manually:

    Automatic ad placement
    1. In Yandex Webmaster, go to Turbo pages for content sites → Settings → Advertising.

    2. Select the unit location and click Add next to the desired one. Available locations:

      In-page ad units

      An adaptive unit in the page contents that occupies 100% of the width. The unit height depends on its contents: text and image Adaptive  ads can occupy up to 70% of the screen height, display ads up to 300 pixels.

      By default, the unit contains a placeholder: a container inside an ad that fills the space in the layout until the adaptive ad is displayed. This will help you avoid offsetting content as an ad loads.

      When using automatic ad placement, the number of ads and favorable slots are selected automatically depending on the page length.

      Ad unit above the header

      An adaptive banner above the header of the page that occupies 100% of the width and 70 pixels of the height. If you enable the unit above the header and the automatic recommendation feed, the ad is displayed before each new page of the feed. You can only place the Yandex Advertising Network units above the header.

      Recommendations feed

      Ad cards that take up 100% of the width and are served in an endless feed on Turbo pages. The unit height depends on its contents: text and image Adaptive  ads can occupy up to 70% of the screen height, display ads up to 300 pixels.

      By default, the unit contains a placeholder: a container inside an ad that fills the space in the layout until the adaptive ad is displayed. This will help you avoid offsetting content as an ad loads.

      Floor Ad

      An adaptive banner that is fixed at the bottom of the page. The ad unit occupies 100% of the width and 100 pixels of height. The unit may contain an Adaptive  ad with an image, title, and description of the ad offer, or a display banner.

    3. Select the YAN ad unit type and specify the unit ID.

    4. If you are placing multiple ad units, order them by display priority using the icon. The order will be taken into account at ad placement.

    5. Save the changes.

    Manual placement
    1. In Yandex Webmaster, go to Turbo pages for content sites → Settings → Advertising.

    2. Under Manual setup, select a location and click Add next to the desired one. Available locations:

      In-page ad units

      An adaptive unit in the page contents that occupies 100% of the width. The unit height depends on its contents: text and image Adaptive  ads can occupy up to 70% of the screen height, display ads up to 300 pixels.

      By default, the unit contains a placeholder: a container inside an ad that fills the space in the layout until the adaptive ad is displayed. This will help you avoid offsetting content as an ad loads.

      We recommend spacing ad units at least 250 words apart.

      Ad unit above the header

      An adaptive banner above the header of the page that occupies 100% of the width and 70 pixels of the height. If you enable the unit above the header and the automatic recommendation feed, the ad is displayed before each new page of the feed. You can only place the Yandex Advertising Network units above the header.

      Recommendations feed

      Ad cards that take up 100% of the width and are served in an endless feed on Turbo pages. The unit height depends on its contents: text and image Adaptive  ads can occupy up to 70% of the screen height, display ads up to 300 pixels.

      By default, the unit contains a placeholder: a container inside an ad that fills the space in the layout until the adaptive ad is displayed. This will help you avoid offsetting content as an ad loads.

      Floor Ad

      An adaptive banner that is fixed at the bottom of the page. The ad unit occupies 100% of the width and 100 pixels of height. The unit may contain an Adaptive  ad with an image, title, and description of the ad offer, or a display banner.

    3. Select the YAN ad unit type and specify the unit ID.

    4. In the turbo-ad-id field, set an arbitrary ID, like first_ad_place.

    5. Save changes.

    6. In the RSS feed, specify the placement position of the ad using the figure element. Add the data-turbo-ad-id attribute for this element with the ID value specified in the previous step.

      <figure data-turbo-ad-id="first_ad_place"></figure>
    7. Go back to Turbo pages for content sites → Settings and check the ad display on the sample Turbo page.

  1. In the Fullscreen unit settings, select Turbo in the Turbo / AMP field.

  2. Get the embed code: in the unit settings, click Get code.

  3. Copy the unit ID from the code.

  4. Place the unit on the page. You can enable automatic placement of ads or place them manually:

    Automatic ad placement
    1. In Yandex Webmaster, go to Turbo pages for content sites → Settings → Advertising.

    2. Select the Fullscreen unit type and click Add.

    3. In the Fullscreen section, enter the unit ID in the YAN field.

    4. Save changes.

    Manual placement
    1. In Yandex Webmaster, go to Turbo pages for content sites → Settings → Advertising.

    2. In the Manual setup section, select the Fullscreen unit type and click Add.

    3. In the Fullscreen section, enter the unit ID in the YAN field.

    4. In the turbo-ad-id field, set an arbitrary ID (for example: first_ad_place).

    5. Save changes.

    6. In the RSS feed, specify the placement position of the ad using the figure element. Add the data-turbo-ad-id attribute for this element with the ID value specified in the previous step.

      <figure data-turbo-ad-id="first_ad_place"></figure>
    7. Go back to Turbo pages for content sites → Settings and check the ad display on the sample Turbo page.

  1. In the Feed unit settings, select Turbo in the Turbo / AMP field.

  2. Get the embed code: in the unit settings, click Get code.

  3. Copy the unit ID from the code.

  4. Place the unit on the page. You can enable automatic placement of ads or place them manually:

    Automatic ad placement
    1. In Yandex Webmaster, go to Turbo pages for content sites → Settings → Advertising.

    2. Select the Advertising in the feed unit type and click Add.

    3. In the Advertising in the feed section, enter the unit ID in the YAN field.

    4. Save changes.

    Manual placement
    1. In Yandex Webmaster, go to Turbo pages for content sites → Settings → Advertising.

    2. In the Manual setup section, select the Advertising in the feed unit type and click Add.

    3. In the Advertising in the feed section, enter the unit ID in the YAN field.

    4. In the turbo-ad-id field, set an arbitrary ID (for example: first_ad_place).

    5. Save changes.

    6. In the RSS feed, specify the placement position of the ad using the figure element. Add the data-turbo-ad-id attribute for this element with the ID value specified in the previous step.

      <figure data-turbo-ad-id="first_ad_place"></figure>
    7. Go back to Turbo pages for content sites → Settings and check the ad display on the sample Turbo page.


    When placing a Feed on pages with a Floor Ad or Top Ad unit, make sure to configure the deletion of these units when the Feed becomes visible. The Rules of Participation in the Yandex Advertising Network prohibit displaying a Feed and a Floor Ad or Top Ad on the same screen.

To display your own ads or implement direct sales in units on Turbo pages, use Adfox units. For more information, see Adfox Help.

Advertising on AMP pages

Yandex Advertising Network units placed on AMP pages can display:

To place a Yandex Advertising Network unit:

  1. In the Yandex Advertising Network interface, create a Banner unit. In the unit settings, be sure to select AMP in the Turbo / AMP field.

  2. Get the embed code: in the unit settings, click Get code.

  3. Make changes to the site page's code:

    In-page unit
    1. Add the script with the amp-ad component to <head>.

    2. Copy the ad unit code to the clipboard and paste it in the place where you plan to display the unit.

    3. Change the height parameter value to the height you set for the ad unit. In the embed code, the default height is 320 pixels.

    Floor Ad unit
    1. Add the script with the amp-sticky-ad component to <head>.

    2. Wrap the ad unit code with the following tags:

      <amp-sticky-ad layout="nodisplay">
      // ad unit code
    3. Configure the ad unit parameters:

      • width: Width in pixels.

      • height: Height in pixels (maximum value: 100).

      • Delete the layout="fixed-height" parameter.

    4. Paste the code into the site page in the place where you plan to display the unit.

      Example of a Floor Ad embed code
      <amp-sticky-ad layout="nodisplay">
    Another type of unit

    You can place banners into various types of units in accordance with the AMP documentation requirements.


The unit code for AMP pages is different from the unit code for other site versions. If you place this unit on a regular site, there won't be any impressions.

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