Installation and setup

Installing the app

You can download the app from the official app store:

Configuring the app

Open the settings: tap in the upper-right corner of the screen. Activate the options you need.

1 — Download a language pack for offline translation.

2 — Use the line break key to confirm your input.

3 — Choose a language for translating websites with the Safari extension.

To save your changes after closing the app, log in with your Yandex ID:

  1. Tap Log in.
  2. Select an account from the list or add a new one.
  3. Enter your password and tap Next.

To learn more about Yandex accounts, go to Account registration and Restoring access in Yandex ID Help.

Setting up shortcuts

Devices with iOS support Siri shortcuts. You can use them to activate app features directly. To do this, ask Siri to perform a specific action.

Use available commands for Yandex Translate:

  • "Open dialog mode" — To translate a conversation with another speaker.
  • "Open photo translate" — To translate text in an image.
  • "Open voice input" — To enable voice input for translation.
  • "Translate copied text" — To translate text from the clipboard.
  • "Open collections" — To access your word collections.
  • "Learn words" — To access the words in your Favorites.

Devices with iOS can also translate text using shortcuts. Just ask Siri to "Translate text", read it out loud, and specify the target language.

You can set up these shortcuts or create your own in the Shortcuts system app. To learn more about using and creating shortcuts, go to the the Shortcuts User Guide on the Apple website.

Contact support

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