Add information

Rate a place and write a review

  1. Open the object card.
  2. On the Reviews tab, tap Write a review.
  3. Select the number of stars.
  4. You can also attach photos or videos if you want.
  5. Tap Submit, and the review will be sent for moderation.

    Note. Your review will appear in Yandex Maps after it passes moderation. You can check its status in the Reviews and edits section.

If you don't want to write a review, you can submit your rating or photos only. You can't submit a review without a rating.

You can write a review of the place that you have already rated in one of the following ways:

  • Tap  (profile picture) → Reviews and edits → Reviews.
  • Open the object card and tap Write a review on the Reviews tab.

By submitting reviews, you earn achievements and Local Expert levels. To view your level and list of achievements, tap  (profile picture) → Reviews and edits.

Add a place

  1. Tap and hold the point you need.
  2. Select Add item to map.
  3. Select the item type for example Business, Address, Parking, or Other item (if none of the types apply).
  4. Fill in the information about the place. Required fields are marked with an asterisk.
  5. Tap Submit, and the place will be sent for moderation. You can check its status in the Reviews and edits section.

You can also add a place from the search query:

  1. Enter your query in the search bar.
  2. At the end of the list, select Add an item.
Note. Moderating an organization can sometimes take a long time. If the status of your request doesn't change for more than two weeks, contact support.

You can add your company to Yandex Maps. To do this, register it in Yandex Business.

Add photos or videos

  1. In the review or object card, tap Add a photo or video.

  2. Add photos or videos of the place in one of the following ways:

    • Take new photos or videos.
    • Choose existing ones from your device's gallery.
  3. Confirm the action.

Your photos or videos will appear in Yandex Maps after they pass moderation. You can check its status in the Reviews and edits section.