
Restriction. This function is not available for chains and online businesses.

You can compare your company's performance with that of your competitors.

  1. Open Businesses and select a company.
  2. In the menu on the left, select Competitors.

How we select competitors

The initial list of competitors is formed automatically, the algorithm selecting the nearest companies in the same business category. The search starts with a one-kilometer radius. If no competitors are found, the search is expanded to five kilometers and then to 10 and 20.

For each company from the list, the system calculates the number of discovery clicks over the past seven days. The more traffic a company gets, the higher it is in the list of competitors.

What data you can view

The table shows the key indicators for comparing your company with competitors as well as company information.

Note. List positions are updated every Sunday night. If you edit the list of competitors, their performance will be calculated using the previous week's data.
Field Description
Position and traffic share


  • Position in the list of competitors.
  • Share of discovery traffic relative to all competitors in the list.
Note. Traffic share is calculated by dividing the number of each company's discovery clicks by the total number of discovery clicks. The indicator helps understand how far the company is behind the nearest competitor and the top of the list.
Company and business category

The company name and main business category as listed in its profile.

The main business category is updated daily.

Rating in Yandex Maps


  • Average score.
  • Number of scores.
  • Number of reviews.

The data is updated daily.

For more information, see Manage reviews.

Ads and how current the information is

Shows that:

  • The competitor has an ad subscription.
  • The information in the profile is up to date.

Opening an ad subscription usually increases discovery traffic and improves the company's position in the list of competitors.

The relevance of the information can also affect the number of discovery clicks. It shows that the competitor regularly updates their profile, which makes the company more trustworthy. For more information, see The “Verified” icon.

Profile completion

Shows the number of:

  • Products and services.
  • Published photos.
  • Active promotions.

View the competitor's profile in Yandex Maps.

To see the icon, hover the mouse cursor over the line with company information.

Remove a competitor from the list.

To see the icon, hover the mouse cursor over the line with company information.

How to change the list of competitors

You can manually add companies to the list or remove businesses you don't consider competitors.

You can add:

  • Any company published in Yandex Maps and located in your country.
  • Company from any business category. For example, a company that specified its type of business as “cat cafe” rather than “cafe”.
  • Any number of competitors.

To do this:

  1. Open Businesses and select a company.
  2. In the menu on the left, select Competitors.
  3. In the field above the list, start typing the name and select the one you're looking for.

How to see my traffic share

In the Similar companies in Yandex Maps and Yandex Navigator section, you can see how many queries were made over the past 7 days in the selected categories and how many clicks were received by your company profile as well as your top and regular competitors.

The competitors in the list are selected the same as in the initial list of competitors: the search starts within a one-km radius and then expands to a five-, ten-, and 20-km radius.

The table below describes the main statistics.

Note. The data is updated once a week along with the list of competitors.
Section What it shows
Queries in your categories

How many times users searched for companies in the same business categories as you.

To see the number of user queries associated with each category, click next to the section name.

Total similar companies nearby

The total number of companies in the same main business category.

Discovery clicks through to these companies

The number of discovery clicks that were made through to your general and top competitors' profiles.

Discovery clicks through to your company
  • The number of discovery clicks that were made through to your company profile.
  • Your share of discovery traffic relative to all competitors in the same business categories as you.
  • Your share of discovery traffic relative to the top competitor.


My position in the list improved even though I haven't gotten more customers

To find out why, analyze your overall traffic and company profile:

  • Analyze where your customers come from. The number of customers from Yandex Maps could have increased even as the number from other sources decreased. In that case, the total number would have remained the same.
  • Compare your rating with your competitors in Yandex Maps. Some of your customers might have switched to your competitors.
  • Check your profile's relevance and compare it to the profiles of your competitors. Pay special attention to the latest scores and reviews.